Network Discovery Context Builder

Network Discovery Context Builder

Casablanca Release

The Network Discovery Context Builder microservice was first introduced in Casablanca.


Network Discovery Context Builder (NDCTX Builder) is  a MicroService  (MS) responsible to aggregate information for network resources which is gathered from primary sources (e,g, openStack , A&AI, ...).  The NorthBound for the MS is POMBA Context Aggregaotr and in the southbound it works with 2 MSs:

  1. Service Decomposition (SD) MS

  2. Network Discovery  (ND) MS

Service Decomposition (SD) MS

A query (GetContext) is sent to NDCTX builder from Context Aggregator with a serviceInstanceId.  Then SD MS acts to discover different resources of that service. Because a service could be tied to several resources, SD MS runs one query against each resources type. Supported list of the resource types are defined in configuration files for NDCTX MS and SD MS.

SD MS does a lookup to A&AI with serviceInstanceId to discover resources and finds number of relationships for the supported resource types.  Consequently, for each relationship, SD MS send a query to A&AI to find more details. The results are then passed to NDCTX builder. 

Network Discovery (ND) MS

Next step is to send APIs to ND MS. The GET APIs from NDCTX builder to ND MS includes combination of "resource type" and its "resource Id(s)". 

The Network Discovery Micro-service is implemented under the SDNC APPS project. Documentation can be found here: Network Discovery Microservice (Dublin release)

a) If the API received by ND MS meets the requirements (includes mandatory headers and a valid resource type), it will respond with 200 OK .

b) If the API received by ND MS does not meets the requirements (e.g. missing mandatory header, unsupported resource type), it will be rejected with a proper response code (see Interface/API section below for more details on response codes).  This will be the end of it and there will not be any query to southbound. 


Each of 3 MSs has a configuration file (application.properties), which is loaded during MS startup. 

Post any changes on application.properties , the corresponding MS need to be restarted.


Config file


Config file

NDCTX Builder

application.properties for NDCTX Builder
spring.jersey.type=filter spring.mvc.urls=swagger,docs,prometheus,auditevents,info,heapdump,autoconfig,beans,loggers,dump,env,trace,health,configprops,mappings,metrics,webjars server.contextPath=/network-discovery spring.autoconfigure.exclude=org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceAutoConfiguration,org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration #This property is used to set the Tomcat connector attributes.developers can define multiple attributes separated by comma #tomcat.connector.attributes=allowTrace-true #The max number of active threads in this pool server.tomcat.max-threads=200 #The minimum number of threads always kept alive server.tomcat.min-Spare-Threads=25 #The number of milliseconds before an idle thread shutsdown, unless the number of active threads are less or equal to minSpareThreads server.tomcat.max-idle-time=60000 # Network Discovery Context Builder REST Service networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.httpProtocol=http networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.port=8080 # Basic Authorization credentials for Network Discovery Context Builder REST Service networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.userId=admin networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.password=OBF:1u2a1toa1w8v1tok1u30 networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.resourceList=vnfcs,vservers,l3-networks # Resource Type mapping from ServiceDecomposition type to CtxBuilder type networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.resourceTypeMapping.vnfcs=vnfc networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.resourceTypeMapping.vservers=vserver networkDiscoveryCtxBuilder.resourceTypeMapping.l3-networks=l3-network # Service Decomposition REST Client Configuration serviceDecomposition.httpProtocol=http serviceDecomposition.host= serviceDecomposition.port=8080 serviceDecomposition.serviceInstancePath=/service-decomposition/service/context #Basic Authorization Client credentials for Service Decomposition REST service serviceDecomposition.userId=admin serviceDecomposition.password=OBF:1u2a1toa1w8v1tok1u30 # Network Discovery Micro Service REST Client Configuration networkDiscoveryMicroService.host= networkDiscoveryMicroService.port=8080 networkDiscoveryMicroService.httpProtocol=http networkDiscoveryMicroService.networkDiscoveryPath=/network-discovery/v1/network/resource # Wait for Network Discovery MicroService response in milliseconds networkDiscoveryMicroService.responseTimeOutInMilliseconds=60000 # Basic Authorization credentials for Network Discovery Micro Service Rest Service networkDiscoveryMicroService.userId=admin networkDiscoveryMicroService.password=OBF:1u2a1toa1w8v1tok1u30 #Servlet context parameters server.context_parameters.p-name=value #context parameter with p-name as key and value as value.


application.properties for SD
spring.jersey.type=filter spring.mvc.urls=swagger,docs,prometheus,auditevents,info,heapdump,autoconfig,beans,loggers,dump,env,trace,health,configprops,mappings,metrics,webjars server.contextPath=/service-decomposition spring.autoconfigure.exclude=org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceAutoConfiguration,org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration #This property is used to set the Tomcat connector attributes.developers can define multiple attributes separated by comma #tomcat.connector.attributes=allowTrace-true #The max number of active threads in this pool server.tomcat.max-threads=200 #The minimum number of threads always kept alive server.tomcat.min-Spare-Threads=25 #The number of milliseconds before an idle thread shutsdown, unless the number of active threads are less or equal to minSpareThreads server.tomcat.max-idle-time=60000 basicAuth.username=admin basicAuth.password=OBF:1u2a1toa1w8v1tok1u30 # AAI REST Client Configuration aai.host= aai.port=8443 aai.httpProtocol=http aai.trustStorePath=tomcat_keystore aai.keyStorePath=aai-client-cert.p12 aai.keyStorePassword=OBF:1i9a1u2a1unz1lr61wn51wn11lss1unz1u301i6o aai.keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm=SunX509 aai.keyStoreType=PKCS12 aai.securityProtocol=TLS aai.connectionTimeout=5000 aai.readTimeout=1000 aai.resourceList=vnfc,vserver,l3-network aai.serviceInstancePath=/aai/v13/nodes/service-instance/{0} #Servlet context parameters server.context_parameters.p-name=value #context parameter with p-name as key and value as value.


#The number of milliseconds before an idle thread shutsdown, unless the number of active threads are less or equal to minSpareThreads


#Servlet context parameters
server.context_parameters.p-name=value #context parameter with p-name as key and value as value.

# Basic Authentication

openstack.identity.url =
openstack.identity.user = ralph
openstack.identity.password = OBF:1w951ugg1vun1uha1w8l

openstack.types = vserver, l3-network
openstack.type.vserver.url ={0}
openstack.type.l3-network.url ={0}

openstack.api.microversion = 2.42


GET request at url = https://<NDCTX-Builder>:<port>/network-discovery/service/context/<serviceInstanceId> 

include headers: a) X-ONAP-PartnerName ,  b) X-ONAP-RequestId


response code



response code




Request has completed and no more information is forthcoming


Request has been accepted and more information will be posted to notificationURL


Missing mandatory field in the request or HTTP header


Requested resource was not found


Request failed due to internal error





Bad Request


Service not available


Unexpected Runtime error

NDCTX builder




Service not available


Unexpected Runtime error

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