Testing with JMeter
The APPC Test Client VM (robot VM) contains a folder "apache-jmeter-4.0" which is home to APACHE JMeter along with APPC-Tests. The APPC-Tests subfolder contains jmx files that can be utilized to run specific APPC LCM Actions. The tests can be executed either command line or via the UI.
Beijing JMeter code can be found here.
appc-lcm-test.csv, appc-lcm-test-Stability-Test-VM2.csv, appc-lcm-test-Stability-Test-VM3.csv
The csv files are utilized by the JMeter APPC-LCM-Action-V1.jmx to identify "DMaaP IP,DMaaP READ Topic,DMaaP WRITE Topic, vnf-id,vm-id"
Command Line (The example below is executing the test from the testing->apache-jmeter-4.0->APPC-Tests folder):
../bin/jmeter.sh -n -L DEBUG -t APPC-LCM-Action-V1.jmx l APPC-LCM-Action-V1.jtl
The jmx file actually contains the test "script" and the jtl file is the formatted test results file.
Check out the jtl file to see the results of your tests.
Executing JMeter from the UI:
This will pull up the UI. However, you will need to have X11 setup on your desktop.
Clicking on the "View Results Tree" will display the results tree.
Submit request - Actual request submitted
SYNC response - DMaaP Accept/Failure response
ASYNC Response - APPC Response on whether the action was a SUCCESS or FAILURE
Start (Or whichever action is being tested) Transaction Controller - Transaction result (Green for success and Red for failure)