Get akka.yaml from Gerrit Topic SDNC-214

Get akka.yaml from Gerrit Topic SDNC-214

Do the following to get the akka.yaml which provides the configuration of ODL clustering for SDN-C cluster.

1Get the akka.yaml content

Go to gerrit change 39825

click on the Download button () to download the akka_new.yaml.zip file

and extract open the yaml file inside the zip file, rename it to "akka.yaml".

2Place akka.yaml to sdnc/templates directory

cd <oom repo>/kubernetes/sdnc/templates

paste the copied content from step 1 to this directory

Do the following to get the new startODL.sh and the new configure_geo_cluster.sh.

1Get the shared new startODL.sh script content

Go to gerrit change 39805.

click on the Download button () to download the startODL_new.sh.zip file

and extract open the sh file inside the zip file, rename it to "startODL.sh".

2Create new startODL.sh on the Kubernetes node VM

mkdir -p /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script

vi /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script/startODL.sh

paste the copied content from step 1 to this file

3Give execution permission to the new startODL.sh script

chmod 777 /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script/startODL.sh

sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script/startODL.sh

1Get the configure_geo_cluster.sh script content

Go to gerrit change 39805.

click on the Download button () to download the configure_geo_cluster_new.sh.zip file

and extract open the sh file inside the zip file, rename it to "configure_geo_cluster.sh".

2Create configure_geo_cluster.sh on the Kubernetes node VM

paste the copied content from step 1 to this file

3Give execution permission to the configure_geo_cluster.sh script

chmod 777 /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script/configure_geo_cluster.sh

sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script/configure_geo_cluster.sh

Update SDN-C Cluster templates (assuming the oom repo has been fetched):

#PurposeCommand and Examples
1Link the new startODL.sh

Be careful with editing YAML files. They are sensitive to number of spaces. Be careful with copy/paste from browser.

vi kubernetes/sdnc/templates/sdnc-statefulset.yaml

Make the following changes:


mount point for new startODL.sh script

FieldAdded Value


(of container sdnc-controller-container)

- mountPath: /opt/onap/sdnc/bin/startODL.sh

name: sdnc-startodl


- name: sdnc-startodl


path: /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script/startODL.sh

2Link the configure_geo_cluster.sh

vi kubernetes/sdnc/templates/sdnc-statefulset.yaml

Make the following changes:

mount point for configure_geo_cluster script
FieldAdded Value


(of container sdnc-controller-container)

- mountPath: /opt/opendaylight/current/bin/configure_cluster.sh

name: sdnc-configure-geo-cluster


- name: sdnc-configure-geo-cluster


path: /dockerdata-nfs/cluster/script/configure_geo_cluster.sh