SO Beijing Architecture Review

SO Beijing Architecture Review

  1. Changes since Amsterdam

    1. Support the Homing through OOFSO-390: Support homing solution in SO workflows through OOF (HPA)Closed

    2. Support the Scale-Out featureSO-391: SO should support scaling of Network services and VF modulesClosed

    3. Support PNF OrchestrationSO-436: SO should support orchestration of PNF resource typeClosed

    4. Support Change Management

    5. TOSCA Orchestrator demonstration(Stretch goal).SO-22: Alternative 1 requires that the TOSCA orchestrator be part of the SO. Closed

    6. Enhance the SO code SO-368: To improve the SO Amsterdam releaseClosed

  2. S3P UpdatesSO-375: To make SO carrier GradeClosed

    1. Security 

      1. WIP: CII Badge

      2. WIP: Solve License and Vulnerability Thread form Security subcommittee and Nexus IQ server

      3. WIP: Increase test code coverage to reach 50%

      4. Pilot the security static checking for Beijing (Coverity issue fix)

    2. Manageability-Logging 

      1. Update log configuration for SO components according to Logging guidelines 

    3. Resiliency and Scalability  

      1. Depend on kubernetes to manage instance(s) of SO component(s)

      2. Coordinating with the OOM for  the configuration for SO in OOM

    4. Usability  

      1. Document APIs in readthedocs (Swagger) and solve inconsistent problem between code and API

      2. Improve the deployment and configuration documentation

    5. Performance and Stability

      1. Defining the performance criteria with Bench marking team.

      2. SO team will work with Integration team to do performance testing

  3. IM/DM Alignment

    1. SO team is participating the modeling discussion about Service/Resource IM/DM

    2. Stretch goal: Align with Service and Resource IM/DM proposed by the modelling subcommittee

  4. API Updates

    1. Support the homing through OOF through new API.

    2. NS Scale out interface

    3. ETSI for SOL support needs to be checked with VFC