

Swagger documentation

SDC Catalog External API

to access Swagger for SDC external API's


    1. in the browser go to http://<ip of the SDC Backend server>:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

    2. in the window that opens, Replace the address with http://<ip of the SDC Backend server>:8080/sdc/swagger.json and click "Explore".

    3. you will be prompted for a username and password since the APIs have basic authentication on them.

    4. use the consumer user and password you defined.

    5. if you want to define such credentials follow this link: Consumer creation

    6. you will be directed to the following screen:

SDC Onboarding Internal API's

to access Swagger:


    1. in the browser go to http://<onboarding docker ip>:8081/api-docs/#/

SDC Catalog Internal API's

to access Swagger:


    1. in the browser go to http://<ip of the SDC Backend server>:8080/sdc2

Swagger utilities

Swagger conversion to HTML

to convert swagger to HTML you need to convert it first to markup

and then run:

java -jar swagger2markup-cli-<version>.jar convert -i <swagger.json> --outputFile <swagger.adoc>

now download asciidoctor https://asciidoctor.org/

based on the out put you will need to run:

asciidoctor <markup file location *.adoc> -b html5 -a toc=left,toclevels=4,doctype=book,numbered,sectanchors,hardbreak
Swagger conversion to PDF
asciidoctor-pdf <markup file location *.adoc> -b pdf -a toc=left,toclevels=4,doctype=book,numbered,sectanchors,hardbreak

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