MSB R2 Architecture Review

MSB R2 Architecture Review

Enhancements since R1

  1. Provides HTTPS endpoint at MSB API gateway
    Now the client can either send an HTTP request to 80(VM)/30081(k8s) or an HTTPS request to 443(VM)/30443(k8s) of MSB Internal API gateway to access the services.
    MSB-140: Providing HTTPS endpoint at API gatewayClosed

  2. MSB JAVA SDK supports HTTPS service registration
    HTTPS  service registration is supported by REST API, kube2msb and MSB Java SDK now.
    MSB-152: MSB JAVA SDK Supports HTTPS service RegistrationClosed

  3. Support websocket service
    MSB API gateway can proxy websocket service now. 
    Service registration is the same as normal REST service.
    Client sends a websocket request to API gateway, API gateway handles the service discovery and load balacing, then the client gets the push notification.
    MSB-156: Support websocket request forwardingClosed

S3P Updates

  1. Security

    1. CII Badge

    2. SONAR code coverage.  Reach or surpass the 50% goal on all repos.

    3. Nexus IQ scans: 

      1. All critical license issues are cleared

      2. Most of the critical security issues are cleared. The left one is Remote Code Execution (RCE) introduced by the jackson-bind, which is an indirect dependency of some fundamental 3-party libraries such as dropwizard, Hibernate and swagger. We are still looking for possible solution or mitigation.

    4. Provides HTTPS endpoint at MSB API gateway to provide encrypted communication
      MSB-140: Providing HTTPS endpoint at API gatewayClosed

  2. Scalability and Resiliency

    1. Reach out to help ONAP projects to integrate with MSB Microservices Bus Tutorial.pdf

    2. Create a wiki page to track the integration progress:  MSB Integration Status

    3. Deploy multiple API Gateway and discovery instances inside MSB.
      MSB-117: MSB components should support horizontal scaling Closed

  3. Performance and stability

    1. Define performance metrics and set up a baseline
      MSB-116: Define performance metricsClosed

  4. Manageability

    1. Integrate with logging enhancement project to provide central Logging
      MSB-145: Central loggingClosed

    2. Provide a portal to manage the registered services

    3. Integrate swagger UIs with MSB portal, the user can browse the REST API definition of all registered services  

Information/Data Model Alignment

N/A, MSB doesn't use Information/Data Model produced by Modelling subcommittee. 

API Updates

No API change in this release. 

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