2018-01-24 Meeting notes TSC Election WG
Jan 24, 2018
@Kenny Paul
@Phil Robb
@Stephen terrill
@Chris Donley
@Dhananjay Pavgi
@Eman Gil
"ONAP Meeting 1"
@Ranny Haiby
@Former user (Deleted)
Goals- initial kick-off - set the objectives
Drive success of the project
Representative of the active community
Diverse composition
A smooth transition / non disruptive process
Discussion items
Reviewed the kickoff slide deck Kenny prepared
Topics that need to be hammered out
length of the transition period
clear decision roles during transition
whether old TSC should perform some sort of advisory role
composition of the new TSC
who gets to vote
Some composition discussion ideas floated
select reps from the top n contributing companies - incentive for companies to step it up
focus on "active" contributors rather than companies
more based upon community
still provides incentive