VNF SDK Beijing Backlog & User Stories

VNF SDK Beijing Backlog & User Stories

Scratch pad for Beijing planning.  Add unprioritized backlog items and user stories here. We will discuss collectively during VNFSDK team meetings.

Release 2 Mission:

Simplify the process of developing and onboarding VNFs. Expand ONAP's VNF ecosystem.


  1. Better integration with SDC for automatic onboarding  – DONE

  2. Update pkgtools/marketplace to support VNF packaging model. Update VNF template to align with vnfd information model.

    1. add pkgtools to pypi

  3. Integrate VVP (ICE) tools to allow us to validate VNF packaging (not acceptance testing)

  4. Improve code quality & code coverage  – DONE

  5. Improve security (S3P) (https, SOL004, possibly certificate validation)

Enhance functionality, Introduce security, Integrate with ONAP  use-case flow and progress towards being carrier grade with high quality.

User Stories

integrate ice tools

standalone validation tool

Backlog Items

  1. Function tests (common tools to allow VNF testing using robot framework)

  2. VES validation

  3. VNF templates (align with SDC)

Non functional & stability items:

  • Security – authentication/authorization, Support Https - DONE (Https)

  • Quary APIs not working, query framework needs to be enhanced - DONE

  • DB operates without transactions

  • Enhance error handling, introduce error codes to rest services. - DONE

  • Enable swagger - DONE

  • Validate csar content using ‘aria’ or configuration instead of the current static way

Functional items:

  • Uploading and validation of images.

  • Clean up the code  - DONE

    • Remove Open-O Traces

    • Remove un-used code and bring the code coverage above 60%

    • Optimize the client code and remove third party code from the repository.

  • Csar packages are stored on local disk – may be lost – perhaps use volume or DB - DONE

  • Enable the ‘life cycle test’ project which currently does nothing

  • Interface with SDC - DONE

Carrier Grade Requirements


VNF Package Basic security Requirements as specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL004 (a User Story to be created for Beijing)

The VNF package must include a Manifest file (already included in Amsterdam release) with basic security features (artifacts integrity and VNF authenticity) as specified in  ETSI GS NFV-SOL004 containing

  • VNF package meta-data

  • A  list of all artifacts (internal and external) entry’s including

    • Respected path/URI,

    • An algorithm to calculate a digest,

    • A digest result calculated on the content of each artifacts

  • A CMS Signature (using VNF Provider certificate with embedded VNF Provider public key) calculated on all the contents of the Manifest file.