Modeling API

Modeling API

3 TOSCA Parsers

There are three TOSCA parsers submited into modeling project, their API are listed below:

1.  NFV Tosca Parser API: (Python Lib + CLI + REST API)      

         Implementation of nfv-toscaparser derived from openstack tosca parser is based on the following OASIS specification:

             TOSCA Simple Profile YAML 1.2 Referecne  http://docs.oasis-open.org/tosca/TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML/v1.2/TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML-v1.2.html

             TOSCA Simple Profile YAML NFV 1.0 Referecne  http://docs.oasis-open.org/tosca/tosca-nfv/v1.0/tosca-nfv-v1.0.html

  • 1)  CLI
    •  Installation nfv-toscaparser

                      Firstly, uninstall the previous verson of toscaparser  

                           pip uninstall -y tosca-parser

                      Then install nfv-toscaparser :

                           pip install --pre -U nfv-toscaparser 

    • Use cli, which is used to validate tosca simple based service template. It can be used as:

        tosca-parser --template-file=<path to the YAML template>  [--nrpv]  [--debug]

        tosca-parser --template-file=<path to the CSAR zip file> [--nrpv]  [--debug]

        tosca-parser --template-file=<URL to the template or CSAR>  [--nrpv]  [--debug]


      --nrpv Ignore input parameter validation when parse template.

     --debug debug mode for print more details other than raise exceptions when errors happen

    • The parse output will display in STDOUT, including nodes name, inputs and outputs

  • 2)  Library(Python)
    •    Installation nfv-toscaparser, same as CLI;
    •    Use api, which is used to parse and get the result of service template. it can be used as

  tosca=ToscaTemplate(path=None, parsed_params=None, a_file=True, yaml_dict_tpl=None, 


                                          no_required_paras_valid=False, debug=False )

    •   Access members(including method or data) in tosca.

  • 3) REST API
    •    Installation nfv-toscaparser microservice, and run it;
    •    Use Restfual API
      •  List template versions
        • PATH: /v1/template_versions
        • METHOD:  GET
        • DecriptionLists all supported tosca template versions.
        • Response Codes


          200 - OKRequest was successful.


          400 - Bad RequestSome content in the request was invalid.
          404 - Not FoundThe requested resource could not be found.
          500 - Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong inside the service. This should not happen usually. If it does happen, it means the server has experienced some serious problems.

          Request Parameters


          Response Parameters

          template_versionsarrayA list of tosca template version object each describes the type name and version information for a template version.
      • Validates a service template
        • PATH: /v1/validate
        • METHOD:  POST
        • Decription: Validate a service template and return the result

        • Response Codes


          200 - OKRequest was successful.


          400 - Bad RequestSome content in the request was invalid.
          500 - Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong inside the service. This should not happen usually. If it does happen, it means the server has experienced some serious problems.

          Request Parameters

          environment (Optional)objectA JSON environment for the template service.
          environment_files (Optional)objectAn ordered list of names for environment files found in the files dict.
          files (Optional)object

          Supplies the contents of files referenced in the template or the environment.

          The value is a JSON object, where each key is a relative or absolute URI which serves as the name of a file, and the associated value provides the contents of the file. The following code shows the general structure of this parameter.

          { ...
              "files": {
                  "fileA.yaml": "Contents of the file",
                  "file:///usr/fileB.template": "Contents of the file",
                  "http://example.com/fileC.template": "Contents of the file"
          ignore_errors (Optional)stringList of comma-separated error codes to ignore.
          show_nested (Optional)booleanSet true to include nested template service in the list.
          template (Optional)object

          The service template on which to perform the operation.

          This parameter is always provided as a string in the JSON request body. The content of the string is a JSON- or YAML-formatted service template. For example:

          "template": {
              "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_yaml_1_0",

          This parameter is required only when you omit the template_url parameter. If you specify both parameters, this value overrides thetemplate_url parameter value.

          template_url (Optional)stringA URI to the location containing the service template on which to perform the operation. See the description of the template parameter for information about the expected template content located at the URI. This parameter is only required when you omit the template parameter. If you specify both parameters, this parameter is ignored.

          Request Example

              "template_url": "/PATH_TO_TOSCA_TEMPLATES/HelloWord_Instance.csar"

          Response Parameters

          DescriptionstringThe description specified in the template.
          Error Information (Optional)stringError information
      • Parse a service template
        • PATH: /v1/parse
        • METHOD:  POST
        • Decription: Parse a service template and return the parsed info
        • Response Code: same as "Validates a service template"
        • Request Parameters: same as "Validates a service template"
        • Response Parameters
        DescriptionstringThe description specified in the template.
        Input parametersobjectInput parameter list.
        Service TemplateobjectService template body
        Output parametersobjectInput parameter list.
        Error Information (Optional)stringError information

2. Apache ARIA-TOSCA(Python + CLI + REST API):

Complete reference: http://ariatosca.incubator.apache.org/docs/html/index.html#

TOSCA Simple Profile 1.0 Referecne  http://ariatosca.incubator.apache.org/docs/html/aria_extension_tosca.simple_v1_0.html

TOSCA Simple Profile 1.0 NFV Referecne  http://ariatosca.incubator.apache.org/docs/html/aria_extension_tosca.simple_nfv_v1_0.html

Install ARIA from pypi

[root@localhost] # pip install apache-ariatosca

[root@488GTB ariatosca]$ aria --help
Usage: aria [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
ARIA's Command Line Interface.
To activate bash-completion run::
eval "$(_ARIA_COMPLETE=source aria)"
ARIA's working directory resides by default in "~/.aria". To change it,
set the environment variable ARIA_WORKDIR to something else (e.g.
-v, --verbose Show verbose output; you can supply this up to three times
(i.e. -vvv)
--version Display the version and exit
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
executions Manage executions
logs Manage logs of workflow executions
node-templates Manages stored service templates' node...
nodes Manage services' nodes
plugins Manage plugins
reset Reset ARIA working directory
service-templates Manage service templates
services Manage services
workflows Manage service workflows

3. Java based Tosca Parser API: (Java)

    1. Java API
      The Java API is described in detail in the javadoc. The main classes are part of the package org.onap.tosca.checker. The entry point is the Checker class, the TOSCA service templates are represented by the Target class an the results of the processing are represented by Report (contains errors associated with a Target) and Catalog (if successful, i.e. empty report, contains an index of TOSCA constructs).
      Common usage:

      try {
        Catalog cat = Checker.check(uri_or_path_of_service_template);

        for (Target t: cat.targets()) {
          System.err.println(t.getLocation() + "\n" + t.getReport());


      catch (Exception x) {
        /* error handling */

       The API offers options for custom TOSCA dialects (extended grammars), pluggable validation and consistency checking, different post-processing approaches.

    2. CLI tool
      The Maven based build assembles a 'all-in-one' jar (in the checker sub-project) with a convenient entry point for cli based validation:

          java -jar Checker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar path_to_service_template_file

    3. REST service
      The same functionality is offered as a REST-based service. The service sub-project assembles a spring framework based REST interface with a built in default configuration. The package is found in the  service sub-project. To start the service:

          java -jar Service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

      Sample client usage (windows power shell):

          PS C:\Users\serban> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8080/check_template/ -Method Post -ContentType application/json -InFile C:\src\asc-tosca\DCAE\v3\Database\Postgres-generic\schema.yaml

      or with stateful 'namespaces':

          PS C:\Users\serban> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8080/check_template/database/schema.yaml -Method Post -ContentType application/json -InFile C:\src\asc-tosca\DCAE\v3\Database\Postgres-generic\schema.yaml

          PS C:\Users\serban> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8080/check_template/database -Method Post -ContentType application/json -InFile C:\src\asc-tosca\DCAE\v3\Database\Postgres-generic\template_postgres.yaml

      The first call creates the 'database' namespace and registers the submitted template as 'schema.yaml'. The second call submits a template as part of the same namespace containing an import of schema.yaml (from the first call); this mechanism allows for validation of multiple service templates with the same schema/type system.

      For more details on the different REST API usages see the service sub-project documentation.

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