SDC R2 feature and requirement collection:

SDC R2 feature and requirement collection:

in order to progress the application forward, we are collecting early feed back on  the content of the next release,

feel free to add items to the table so that they will be discussed and entered into the back log.

Feature/Requirement name


Submitted by


Feature/Requirement name


Submitted by


image storge

during a number of discussions for R1 the issue of image storage was raised this is a place holder to discuss this issue for R2. part of the package provided by the vendor is the image for the VNF' currently this images are not stored in sdc.

Michael Lando

VNF package security requirements

R1 CSAR lacks Telco-grade security features. It is proposed to add basic features for package integrity and authenticity as part of manifest file:

  • adding digest per each artifact

  • adding CMS certicate/signature container

Andrei Kojukhov

per ETSI GS NFV-SOL004 standard