Logging Architecture

Logging Architecture


JIRAs | Git (pending) | Gerrit (pending) | Nexus | Jenkins (pending) | Sonar

High Level Description

There are the 3 elk containers in the log pod in kubernetes off the OOM deployment.  Currently all 3 ports are exposed, logstash, elasticsearch and kibana. We use Kubernetes 1.8 with Helm 2.8 charts via the OOM project deployment.  The ports are all mapped as node ports in the external 302xx namespace.  We use filebeat as a side car container for all the onap components to push logs to the logstash node port.

Logstash port mapping



port numbers are here - 5044


for example SDC filebeat config to log-ls on port 5044


the filebeat sidecar docker image for sdc-be


Logging configmap


Logging filebeat deployment spec


and the logback config


ELK stack in ONAP

Use Cases

Use Case 1: SDC distribution

We can distribute manually via SDC or automatically using robot ./demo.sh distribute

Use Case 2: Triaging a failed Service Deployment

Architecture Discussion

Log Generation

Log Collection

Log Processing

Log Analytics

Design Issues

DI 1: 20170803: Cross Project Collaboration



Audit and Metrics log formats are different

audit.log return startTimeString + "|" + // 1 start time endTimeString + "|" + // 2 end time getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_REQUEST_ID) + "|" + // 3 transaction id getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID) + "|" + // 4 service instance Thread.currentThread().getName() + "|" + // 5 thread id getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVER_FQDN) + "|" + // 6 physical/virtual server name getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVICE_NAME) + "|" + // 7 service name getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_PARTNER_NAME) + "|" + // 8 partner name fieldValue(DefinedFields.STATUS_CODE) + "|" + // 9 status code fieldValue(DefinedFields.RESPONSE_CODE) + "|" + // 10 response code fieldValue(DefinedFields.RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION) + "|" + // 11 response description fieldValue(DefinedFields.INSTANCE_UUID) + "|" + // 12 instance UUID level + "|" + // 13 log level fieldValue(DefinedFields.SEVERITY) + "|" + // 14 log severity fieldValue(DefinedFields.SERVER_IP) + "|" + // 15 server ip elapsedTimeString + "|" + // 16 elapsed time getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVER_FQDN) + "|" + // 17 server name getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_CLIENT_ADDRESS) + "|" + // 18 client ip address fieldValue(DefinedFields.CLASS_NAME) + "|" + // 19 class name "" + "|" + // 20 deprecated fieldValue(DefinedFields.PROCESS_KEY) + "|" + // 21 process key fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_1) + "|" + // 22 custom 1 fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_2) + "|" + // 23 custom 2 fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_3) + "|" + // 24 custom 3 fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_4) + "|" + // 25 custom 4 message; // 26 details } metrics.log return startTimeString + "|" + // 1 start time endTimeString + "|" + // 2 end time getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_REQUEST_ID) + "|" + // 3 transaction id getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID) + "|" + // 4 service instance Thread.currentThread().getName() + "|" + // 5 thread id getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVER_FQDN) + "|" + // 6 physical/virtual server name getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVICE_NAME) + "|" + // 7 service name getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_PARTNER_NAME) + "|" + // 8 partner name fieldValue(DefinedFields.TARGET_ENTITY) + "|" + // 9 target entity fieldValue(DefinedFields.TARGET_SVC_NAME) + "|" + // 10 target service fieldValue(DefinedFields.STATUS_CODE) + "|" + // 11 status code fieldValue(DefinedFields.RESPONSE_CODE) + "|" + // 12 response code fieldValue(DefinedFields.RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION) + "|" + // 13 response description fieldValue(DefinedFields.INSTANCE_UUID) + "|" + // 14 instance UUID level + "|" + // 15 log level fieldValue(DefinedFields.SEVERITY) + "|" + // 16 log severity fieldValue(DefinedFields.SERVER_IP) + "|" + // 17 server ip elapsedTimeString + "|" + // 18 elapsed time getMdcValue(MdcContext.MDC_SERVER_FQDN) + "|" + // 19 server name fieldValue(DefinedFields.CLIENT_IP) + "|" + // 20 client ip address fieldValue(DefinedFields.CLASS_NAME) + "|" + // 21 class name "" + "|" + // 22 deprecated fieldValue(DefinedFields.PROCESS_KEY) + "|" + // 23 process key fieldValue(DefinedFields.TARGET_ENTITY) + "|" + // 24 target virtual entity fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_1) + "|" + // 25 custom 1 fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_2) + "|" + // 26 custom 2 fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_3) + "|" + // 27 custom 3 fieldValue(DefinedFields.CUSTOM_4) + "|" + // 28 custom 4 message; // 29 detail message }


1.0.0 (deprecated) - https://git.onap.org/dcae/operation/utils/




DI 2: 20170929: Volumetrics

Per component traffic in a real set of use cases over time (# of requests, volume of requests, rate of requests)

DI 3: 20171010: AAI Logging API Debug

public class PreAaiAjscInterceptor implements AjscInterceptor { public boolean allowOrReject(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, Map<?, ?> paramMap) LoggingContext.requestId(req.getHeader("X-TransactionId")); LoggingContext.partnerName(req.getHeader("X-FromAppId")); public class AAIAppServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener { private static final EELFLogger LOGGER = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(AAIAppServletContextListener.class.getName()); public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) { System.setProperty("org.openecomp.aai.serverStarted", "false"); LOGGER.info("***AAI Server initialization started...");


OOM Deployment

Southbound APIs

Northbound APIs






Re: Carrier Grade Requirements (consolidated)


Reference ELK stack - LOG-50: Reference ELK stack for testingClosed



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