Modeling Project Meetings

Modeling Project Meetings

Modeling project and Modeling sub-committee are using the same teleconf bridge, one week for Modeling project, then the next week will be for Modeling sub-committee.

Meeting Bridge

Meeting List

20170905 Meeting Minutes

1)     YANG repo will be removed

2)     Tosca parsers need to proceed M2/M3/M4 asap, inclding CIST, NEXUS, Genkins

20170905 Meeting agenda

1)     Regular Modeling Project topics

2)     Left issues for release 1
            a) SDC WAN

3)    Release 2 plan
         a) Before F2F Developer event
         b) Modeling session in Developer event

20170821 Meeting Minutes

1)      AT&T will submit the tosca parser asap which has done scaning

20170821 Meeting Minutes

1)      AT&T will submit the tosca parser asap which has done scaning using tools

2)      Bruce will investigate how to syn the code from upstream with Linux Foundation

3)      modelspec repo will be updated once the modeling spec is finalized. openo modeling specs are only kept in reference spec folder

20170821 Meeting Agenda

1)      Modeling project, (only 1 tosca parser is on the repo for VFC, UUI hasn’t confirmed yet)

2)      Check the status of interface and modeling spec


a)       VNFSDK-SDC

b)       SDC-SO

c)        SDC-VFC

d)       SO-VFC

e)       SO-SDNC

Modeling specs

1.a) VNFD (skip for R1?)

1.b) SD

1.c) NSD

1.d) WAN spec

1.e) vnf package (skip for R1)

3)      ONAP modeling namespace


2017 July 18th


1) Removed some commtters and add some contributors

2) All new submission code including AT&T, Gigaspace, 3rd company need to contact with Kenny and Gildas for FOSS scanning

3) For other tools related to tosca parser will be included in each package of tosca parser

4) Future modeling project and modeling subcommittee meeting will be splited into 2

2017 July 11th


1) JIRA of modeling project need to remove modeling6 story

2) recommend to split the modeling project and subcommittee teleconf

3) Tosca parser software proponents need to fill in the page of project FOSS for modeling
