Policy R1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

Policy R1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

Practice Area



Evidence - Comment

How to?

Practice Area



Evidence - Comment

How to?

Product Management

Are Product Backlog Epics entered in Jira?


Getting issues...

Create a Backlog item

Difference between a Product and Sprint Backlog

Are Product Backlog Stories entered in Jira?


Getting issues...

Create a Backlog item

Are Product Backlog Stories linked to Product Backlog Epics?


Product Backlog

Work in a Sprint

Are Product Backlog Stories prioritized?


Prioritize a Backlog item

Is the project team ready to estimate the top Stories (for coming Sprint) in Product backlog?


Waiting for prioritization to finish.

Estimate a Backlog item

Is the project team ready to create a 2 weeks Sprint in Jira?


Waiting for estimates and team formation to complete.

Create a Sprint

Are Team Members willing to create Tasks and associate them with Stories in Jira?


Waiting for team formation to complete to determine how the team will move forward.

Create a Backlog item

Release Management

Is there a Release Planning Template available and completed in wiki?


Policy Framework R1 - M1 Release Planning Template

Have all the "Release Components Name" been defined in Resources and Repositories (Deprecated) for your project? (this includes all Sub-Components Names, Sub-Components Repositories Names, Maven Group ID, Sub-Components Description)

Need to finish

Resources and Repositories (Deprecated)

Have all the "Resources committed to the Release" been defined in Resources and Repositories for your project? This includes First and Last names, LFID, Email Address and Location for PTL, Project Manager, Committers and Contributors.

Resources need to complete filling in their LFID etc. details.

Resources and Repositories (Deprecated)

Have new developers made themself familiar on the Onboarding Process?


The committers will direct new developers to the wiki for details.


Is the project team aware of the Release milestone? Any misses will required TSC exception.


Integration and Testing

Has the Integration Team defined the vendor equipment list?


Link to evidence

Has the Integration Team defined the End 2 End Release Test Case?


Link to evidence

We are working with the Integration Project to clarify the details for E2E testing.


Is the Project Team committed to develop Unit Test?


We will meet the 40-50% code coverage standards and static code analysis as recommended for incubation project.

Code Coverage and Static Code Analysis

Has the Project Team put in place an Automated Unit Test infrastructure?


We will be using JUnit as the majority of our code is Java.

Is the Project Team committed to create Continuous System Integration Testing (CSIT) test case?


The seed code currently is integrated with the Robot Framework. We will ensure we work with the Integration Project to evolve those tests for the release.

Is the Project Team committed to perform Scrum ceremonies?


These details need to be worked out amongst the contributors and committers.

Scrum Overview

Are the Project Team members aware of Continuous Integration Principles (don't break the build, Fix the build,...)?


The committers will ensure all code commits do not break the build.

Continuous Integration

Has the Project Team a clear understanding on the Code Coverage expectations?


The committers will screen all commits to ensure the code coverage %'s are met.

Code Coverage and Static Code Analysis

Does the Project Team understand the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) process?


Free and Open Source Software

Is the Project Team willing to fill out accordingly the FOSS table?


Fill out sub-pages for each project under Free and Open Source Software

Is the Project Team willing to comply to the Commit Process?


The committers will require incoming code submissions adhere to guidelines.

Commit Messages

Does the Project Team understand the purpose of Code Review?


Code Review

Is the Project Team aware of the Coding Guidelines?


Development Practices (Jave Coding Style)