TSC subcommittee name: Security Subcommittee (SECCOM)

TSC subcommittee name: Security Subcommittee (SECCOM)

TSC subcommittee purpose:

The security subcommittee is responsible for defining and proposing activities, process and guidelines that aim to increase the security of ONAP.  This includes, but is not limited to:     

  • Creating and maintaining vulnerability procedures.

  • Defining ,promoting and proposing proactive security activities (to be executed by  and with the agreement of active projects).

  • Providing best practices, security guidelines.

  • The security subcommittee is advisory by nature, and not authoritative. It may make proposals and provide advice to projects and to the TSC.

  • The security subcommittee operates on a rough consensus basis.  If the subcommittee is unable to reach consensus on what advice to offer, the subcommittee will refer the matter to the TSC. 

TSC security subcommittee expected deliverables:

  • Security procedures, guidelines, proposed activities and best practices aimed at supporting a secure ONAP platform.

TSC security subcommittee participants:

  • Contained on the security committee web-page.

  • The participants self nominate to the sub-committee chair, who confirms the participants with the TSC.

TSC security sub-committee chair is the same as the security coordinator.

Meeting Frequency: Weekly.

Membership List