Overall Deployment Architecture

Overall Deployment Architecture

Casablanca Deployment Diagram

in progress


Warning: Draft Content

This wiki is under construction

This page details the current deployment artifacts (VM's, docker containers, ports, WARs ...) based on reverse-engineering a deployed demo as well as the current code base.  These are useful as a snapshot of what is actually running in support of our ONAP architecture - to aide in running/triaging the Demo as it evolves.



OOM Pod Init Dependencies

Version 1.0.0


n progress

The above 1.0.0 ONAP deployment diagram is based on the following rackspace environment

artifacts_version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

docker_version: 1.0-STAGING-latest

gerrit_branch: release-1.0.0

 gitlab_branch: master

dcae_code_version: 1.0.0

artifacts_version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

docker_version: 1.0-STAGING-latest

gerrit_branch: release-1.0.0

 gitlab_branch: master

dcae_code_version: 1.0.0



I keep forgetting about this page - because its content is hidden by default - Release Notes 1.0.0 draft#VMsandContainers

vFirewall Flow Diagram

List of docker images - https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=integration.git;a=blob;f=packaging/docker/docker-images.csv;h=9bac826b024ed76fb991ea3694ca39a669f53bbe;hb=refs/heads/master