(please Note Daylight Savings Time in the US started on March 14, 2021)
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Topics scheduled for review
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Presenting Order |
Sponsor(s)/Presenter(s) | Duration | Topic | Referenced Docs or JIRA | Comments |
1st | | 45min | DMaaP Architecture Evolution proposal |
| A proposal to simplify the Kafka-based DMaaP configuration |
2nd |

Meeting Recording
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Item(s) that might be of interest
- FYI (GitHub Basic Password Authentication Deprecation)
"Basic authentication using a password to Git is deprecated and will soon no longer
work. Visit https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/
for more information around suggested workarounds and removal dates."
Next week Agenda Candidates

Ongoing Studies → Proposed at the LFN DDF June 2021
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- AAF vs. Istio + keycloak + cert manager + Ingress (functional comparisons and rationale)
- Magma architecture and interaction with ONAP review (discussion with SECCOM; once the study is settled, we plan to present the proposal/information, along with SECCOM)
- Deployment Architecture (how Magna is deployed along with ONAP)
- Function Architecture (what is the Magna main functions; for now, AMF, SMF, UPF; how does Magma support functional extension?)
- Interface Architecture (how Magma would interface with ONAP)
- Security Architecture
- Outcome: ONAP for Enterprise Business including ONAP/Magma integration was presented at the LFN DDF June 2021. For the presentation slide deck and meeting recording, please visit, https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2021-06-08+-+ONAP+TSC+Task+Force%3A+ONAP+For+Enterprise+Business

Useful links
Istanbul-R9 Component Architecture Reviews Dashboard Page
Istanbul-R9 ONAP Components Arch Reviews Dashboard
Housekeeping Items
- ONAP Components Architecture Reviews wiki page
Topics scheduled for review
General Architecture Items
Identify the ONAP Platform Core components per the per the Project Maintenance Taskforce Discussion
- Project State: Unmaintained
Weekly Updates
- ONAP Architecture Documentation: a placeholder for a weekly status update (Weekly update ) –
Chaker, Seshu, Ciaran, Ben, Andy, Adrian and others
Continue the discussion about the landing page for ONAP Docs
Last Minute Items, Open Discussion
Current Release Arch Review Tracking - when available
Referenced Materials

Istanbul-R9 Release Topics(JIRA) Scheduled for Review
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ArchCom Reviews 2021 BACKLOG

ArchCom Istanbul-R9 Approved Topics