Automated Distribution of vLB CDS Service in SDC Model using RobotThe robot script can help the user automate the creation of the VSP and Service model, and also update the resource assignment properties of the service model to run the vLB_CDS blueprint. To use this feature follow the steps below: root@olc-rancher:~# cd oom/kubernetes/robot/
root@olc-rancher:~/oom/kubernetes/robot# ./ onap init
Number of parameters:
++ kubectl --namespace onap get pods
++ grep robot
++ sed 's/ .*//'
+ POD=onap-robot-robot-6998b9988c-cthb7
++ dirname ./
+ DIR=.
+ SCRIPTDIR=scripts/demoscript
+ ETEHOME=/var/opt/ONAP
+ '[' ']'
++ kubectl --namespace onap exec onap-robot-robot-6998b9988c-cthb7 -- bash -c 'ls -1q /share/logs/ | wc -l'
++ printf %04d 16
+ OUTPUT_FOLDER=0016_demo_init
+ VARIABLEFILES='-V /share/config/'
+ kubectl --namespace onap exec onap-robot-robot-6998b9988c-cthb7 -- /var/opt/ONAP/ -V /share/config/ -d /share/logs/0016_demo_init -i InitDemo --display 106
Starting Xvfb on display :106 with res 1280x1024x24
Executing robot tests at log level TRACE
Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases including setu...
Initialize Customer And Models | PASS |
Initialize SO Openstack Identity For V3 | PASS |
Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases inclu... | PASS |
2 critical tests, 2 passed, 0 failed
2 tests total, 2 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites | PASS |
2 critical tests, 2 passed, 0 failed
2 tests total, 2 passed, 0 failed
Output: /share/logs/0016_demo_init/output.xml
Log: /share/logs/0016_demo_init/log.html
Report: /share/logs/0016_demo_init/report.html
root@olc-rancher:~/oom/kubernetes/robot# |
In order to check if the robot is OK, we can check in SDC to check the demoVLB_CDS model exists

Also, we can click on the service model and check the resource assignment properties to ensure that blueprint template name and version are updated. 
Manual Distribution of a VNF CBA Login to ONAP as Designer (cs0008/demo123456!), and click on SDC application. Part 1 - Create a New Virtual Software ProductIn SDC, select the ONBOARD button > click on Create New VSP button > fill in the Name, Vendor, Category , Description and select the Network Package for on-boarding procedure as illustrated below. Once the forum is populated for New Software Product click on Create. 
In Software Product Details Screen in SDC, the users must populate the license information and the software product. For the vLB CDS use case the software product for the heat package is obtain from the following link: vLB CDS HEAT PACKAGE. Once the for License and Software Product Attachment is populated then click on the Submit button. 
Part 2 - Create VF Model and Certify

Click on the Import VSP from the HOME page. From the list of VSP, select the Specific vLB CDS VSP for IMPORT to create the VF in SDC. 
We fill in the VF name and description, etc ..., and click "Create". 
Click on "Deployment Artifact", then "Add other arifacts", and select the CBA. 

Check the artifact is uploaded OK, and click on "Certify". 
Add a comment, and submit, you should receive a success notification, and we are back in SDC Home Screen. Part 3 - Create Service Model, Certify and DistributeNow, let's create a new service model, and add the newly created VF (including CBA artifact) to the new service model. Click on "Add Service" 
Add service name and description, and click on "Create". Choose Instantiation Type: Macro. 
Click on "Composition", and drag the VF we created from the palette on the left onto the canvas in the middle. Then, click on "Submit for Testing". 
Click on Properties Assignments, then click on the service name, e.g. "CDS-VNF-TEST" from the right bar. Type "sdnc" in the filter box, and add the sdnc_model_name, sdnc_model_version, and sdnc_artifact_name, and click "Save". 
Type "con" in the filter box, and set "skip post instantiation" to FALSE and controller_actor to "CDS" then click "Save".

Distribute the service model once the service is certified. 
Click on "Monitor" to check the progress of the distribution, and check that all ONAP components were notified, and downloaded the artifacts, and deployed OK. 
Check SDNC distribution concerning CDSSDNC to find CDS SDNC database should be now populated with CDS model identification. kubectl exec -n onap onap-mariadb-galera-mariadb-galera-0 -it -- sh
mysql -uroot -psecretpassword -D sdnctl
MariaDB [sdnctl]> select sdnc_model_name, sdnc_model_version, sdnc_artifact_name from VF_MODEL WHERE customization_uuid = '88e0e9a7-5bd2-4689-ae9e-7fc167d685a2';
| sdnc_model_name | sdnc_model_version | sdnc_artifact_name |
| test | 1.0.0 | cds-vnf-template |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
# Where customization_uuid is the modelCustomizationUuid of the VNf (serviceVnfs response in 2nd postman call from SO Catalog DB) |