CDS actor support in Policy


ONAP Policy will support CDS as an actor so that the controlloop usecases can make use of it to take any type of action by executing the CBA. We would like to use the vFW usecase to demonstrate the integration between Policy and CDS.

Problem statement

Current implementation using APPC ModifyConfig

Today, Policy allows the Control Loop Designer to specify the payload for APPC API calls through CLAMP. Policy copies the entire payload of the operation that APPC has to execute against the VNF during closed loop into the APPC LCM request.

Define ModifyConfig action in CDS for Post-Instantiation

Create CDS package (CBA: controller blueprint archive) that defines this ModifyConfig action. The inputs that we envision are service-instance-id, generic-vnf-id (so that CDS is able to resolve the IP address of the vPKG at VNF level for the vFW usecase), payload (from CLAMP). The authentication will be defined as a DSL in the CBA.
Since, the latest vPKG support RESTCONF interface, the package designer will define the ModifyConfig action in a data-dictionary by leveraging the source-rest endpoint and providing payload (JSON restconf payload) along with a mapping file defining what values to resolve.


  1. Optionally, one could also use NETCONF instead of RESTCONF to push the payload to the device. An example of deploying configuration to a NETCONF server using CDS can be found here:

  2. Access CDS recording to help build the CBA at: Presentation#ONSNA2019

Resolving VNF configuration using CDS

ModifyConfig action including the parameters and their resolution will be defined in CDS as described above. We will implement CDS API model implementation and actor implementation in policy so that we can either directly invoke CDS to push the payload to the vPacketGen VNF using RESTCONF/NETCONF (as defined in the CBA) or invoke APPC to execute ModifyConfig against the traffic generator VNF.

For example, as described above: a user can define ModifyConfig parameters in CDS using DD and specify the parameter resolution. During closed loop, Policy will just tell CDS to execute ModifyConfig action against a specific VNF. CDS will then look at the VNF template (built with CDS) to retrieve the ModifyConfig parameters and use DD for their resolution. If DD will not be available, then ModifyConfig parameters could be defined in CLAMP and pushed to Policy during closed loop creation. Policy will then pass these parameters to build the payload and push it to the target during closed loop execution either using RESTCONF/NETCONF as defined in the CBA.

Migration to APPC LCM API (Future)

Mark to deprecate the old API for ModifyConfig and leverage CDS GRPC enabled Self Service API to enable LCM actions such as configModify and other lcm action for xNF.

Participating Companies

Bell, AT&T, Ericsson, Huawei 


CDS CSAR artifacts

vLB CSAR Service with CDS Package

vFW CSAR Service with CDS Package

vFW Clamp and CDS integration use case.pptx

CDS blueprint artifacts


Data dictionary for updating active-streams: update-active-streams.json

Postman collection for validation of CBA: vFW CDS and Policy Integration Postman collection.postman_collection.json

Documentation for testing: @Yuriy Malakov @Abdelmuhaimen Seaudi @Former user (Deleted) FYI -->

Payload to CDS from Policy (rest), gRPC will entail same parameters

{ "commonHeader":{ "originatorId":"Policy", "requestId":"1234", # From the Onset event "subRequestId":"5678" # From the ControlLoopOperation object }, "actionIdentifiers":{ "blueprintName":"test", # Embedded into operational policy YAML payload "blueprintVersion":"1.0.0", # Embedded into operational policy YAML payload "actionName":"modify-config", # Embedded into operational policy YAML payload "mode":"async" }, "payload":{ "modify-config-request":{ # Key generation pattern: $actionName-request "resolution-key":"UUID", "modify-config-properties":{ # Key generation pattern: $actionName-properties "$aai.params":"$aai.params", # Enriched AAI attributes in node.attribute format .... "$data":{ "mapInfo":{ "key":"val" }, "arrayInfo":[ "one", "two" ], "paramInfo":"val" } # Free form JSON string from CLAMP embedded into operational policy YAML payload. JSON object if a valid JSON string is provided, else a string. } } } }

Sample matching operational policy YAML (Frankfurt): To be aligned with changes per Control Loop Policy Type Design Proposal #1: Simple upgrade of legacy policy types to TOSCA and TOSCA Compliant Policy Types)

Ooerational Policy model sample
tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0 topology_template: policies: - operational.modifyconfig: type: onap.policies.controlloop.Operational version: 1.0.0 metadata: policy-id: operational.modifyconfig properties: controlLoop: version: 2.0.0 controlLoopName: ControlLoop-vFirewall-__ResourceID__ trigger_policy: unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig timeout: 1200 abatement: false policies: - id: unique-policy-id-1-modifyConfig name: modify_packet_gen_config description: actor: CDS # Choice of CDS as the actor recipe: modify-config # Blueprint action-name target: resourceID: __ResourceID__ type: VNF payload: artifact_name: vfw-cds # Blueprint name artifact_version: 1.0.0 # Blueprint version mode: async # Blueprint mode type data: '{"mapInfo":{"key":"val"},"arrayInfo":["one","two"],"paramInfo":"val"}' # Free-form json string supplied by CLAMP retry: 0 timeout: 300 success: final_success failure: final_failure failure_timeout: final_failure_timeout failure_retries: final_failure_retries failure_exception: final_failure_exception failure_guard: final_failure_guard

TODO items:

  1. VfModule target type support: In order for CDS to take action at VfModule level it requires another user supplied input called: "template-prefix" which is a list object inside the "$actionName-properties" child-node above. (Will be dealt with in future)

  2. Verify CLAMP capabilities for configuring the Operational policy configuration to use CDS as an actor when testing end-to-end integration for the vFW usecase. @Abdelmuhaimen Seaudi

  3. Documentation for closeloop onboarding process and API calls to set up the integration tests: @Yuriy Malakovto provide feedback

  4. Document image names for testing CDS-Policy + dependencies of other ONAP components  @Rashmi Pujar DONE

  5. Document testing procedure: simulating Control loop event from DCAE and policy API to configure the operational policy @Rashmi Pujar  DONE

  6. CDS CBA updates @Rashmi Pujar DONE


  1. To bring in integration of CDS into policy as another actor and demonstrate this integration using the vFirewall end-to-end closeloop usecase (design-time + runtime: instantiation and closeloop)


CDS and CLAMP integration: 

CLAMP rendering possible actions supported by CDS + rendering of the input fields from CBA. Below options available from CDS (Yuriy to add more details)
- Open API generated from the protobuf.
- Ingest the TOSCA yaml from CDS

Follow-up from Controlloop subcommittee item "Discussion on the type of spec CDS needs to create for CLAMP to use: OPEN-API or grpc specification"2019-09-04 Control Loop Sub Committee Weekly Meeting

  1. @Yuriy to add the CBA CSAR to the wiki: DONE

  2. CDS team @Yuriy to think of the notion of classification in CDS to identify the level at which the action/resolution must be acted upon. We do have this representation in Policy.

  3. What is the standard way to to expose actor capabilities via CLAMP? @Martial to get back with feedback for @Yuriy about the preferred way of their choice of spec to ingest the CDS models: Open-API/gRPC. Investigate expressing the model in TOSCA (SDC CSAR).


Operational Policy Model to support CDS as an actor

CDS Blueprint archive details

Future improvements










  1. Policy-CDS integration

    1. CDS client

    2. CDS actor

  2. Policy-CDS Self-Serve API

    1. New Tosca Operational policy model: Control Loop Policy Type Design Proposal #1: Simple upgrade of legacy policy types to TOSCA and TOSCA Compliant Policy Types

    2. Define CDS blueprint archive for vFW closeloop



Provide CDS as an actor for policy



Policy-CDS Self-Serve API, CBA definition



Update the testsuite repo to use the latest CBA, new operational policies and other updated artifacts

Open Questions

  1. Facilitate ways for policy to ingest/process a dynamic payload in a generic way so it can act as a passthrough between CLAMP and CDS for payload specific params. CLAMP to render CDS blueprint??

  2. CDS actions and the layer at which the target resolution/actions are to be taken → driven by CDS action and target-type in Operational Policy model

    1. Mapping between CLAMP --> Operational Model --> CDS input params

  3. Mark old APPC LCM API for deprecation. Leveraging CDS GRPC enabled Self Service API to enable LCM actions such as configModify and other lcm action for xNF

  4. CDS + CLAMP integration: new functional requirement and usecase requirement to demonstrate this integration.
    Dependency on updating TOSCA Operational Policy model. To follow-up on Controlloop subcommittee

  5. Integration tests, Testsuite update as a stretch goal (@Abdelmuhaimen Seaudi )