Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/137904496 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a
2020 Modeling Subcommittee Recordings |
Duration 60 minutes
Duration | Agenda Item | Requested by | Notes / Links |
25 | Co-chair | 1) Email Polls All review comments have been addressed. See: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/License+Model+Review+Comments The related wiki page that describes the information model can be found at: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/License+Management Please submit only 1 vote per company to this email list. The polling period will be open until 15:00GMT on 18 April 2020. We will address rough consensus during the 28 April 2020 Modeling Subcommittee weekly call.
2) PNF Software Version (Fei Zhang (Ericsson) ) (Come back until end of Frankfurt release)
Slides describing the proposal available for comments: ONAP Non-MANO Artifacts Set Identifiers_PA3.pptx (Michela Bevilacqua) Action item: Michela Bevilacqua will connect with VNFRQS PTL to build lifetime readthedoc. Jira is created for VNFRQS. UPDATE: Updated Wiki Page, JIRA to update requirements. Ready for ETSI to review. For all non-MANO artifacts. Action: Initiate ETSI review. 3) Modeling current activity status. Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve: See: Modeling Current Activity Status 4) How to proceed future DM discussion?
5) R7 Guilin Architecture Review (template) - functional requirements 6) Review procedure: 6.1: ONAP R7 Modeling High Level Requirements 6.2: Use case guidance from Modeling subcommittee Ref:Guilin (R7) - Use Cases (and Requirements in Use Cases) Action item: encourage to review and comment Benjam will help to arrange modeling present in use case group on May 13th. 7) Proposal on how to describe and document relationships in ONAP Info Model Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] Michela Bevilacqua
| |
10 | CNF On-boarding Modeling | Introduce topic of applying ETSI SOL001 for CNF On-boarding, including mapping to the internal SDC TOSCA AID. ETSI-Aligned CNF Support - Honolulu IFA029 provides some guidance. Describe SOL001 updates Mapping of VNF Descriptor to SDC TOSCA AID See: SOL001 Mapping to SDC AID DM How are VF-Modules mapped? Information model impacts Suggest to move to Modeling in wiki. What needs to be inventoried in AAI? Discuss any potential new modeling requirements for Guilin release. Yes, create one. ACTION: create modeling subcommittee requirement (Is there a specific requirement activity, perhaps related to on-boarding of SOL001 VNFs) Guilin (R7) - Use Cases (and Requirements in Use Cases). ACTION: Fred will create R7 requirement. Discussing under Arch Task Force 1 meeting. weekly Monday's at 8:00am eastern (12:00 UTC) We could also use the Resource IM call at 9:00am eastern Fred will update Modeling subcommittee on activity. | |
5 | Resource IM | ||
5 | Service IM | ||
5 | AAI Reverse Engineering status | ||
5 | API Documentation | Developing ONAP API Documentation Discuss Proposed Phased activities: (e.g., Minimum 1, 2, & 3 Guilin; 4 & 5 Stretch goals) 1. All components should place externally facing API definitions (e.g. Swagger) in a common path within their Gerrit/Git a.Suggested Path: <Component>/docs/api/swagger/ 2.Apply ReDoc to Swagger and place HTML in Readthedocs for the release. 3.Apply Minimum (Phase 1+) swagger guidelines a.Use common insert for Info section template 4.Use embedded markdown for conceptual documentation 5.Apply full swagger guidelines. | |
5 | Model Enabled ONAP effort | Invite the introduction about Model enabled ONAP 2020-03-02 ONAP Model Enabled Meeting Action item: Bob Papa invite SO to present model driven POC | |
5 | Container model | 0310: Introduction of K8S module in MultiVIM project 0324: Invite K8S PoC CNF Taskforce takes place after Thursday's TSC: CNF-Taskforce 2020 Recordings 0421: Container Modeling at April Technical Event | |
Modeling and Use Cases | Proposed ONAP Release Process Updates for Information and Data Modeling Discuss M3 process Proposed Functional Template for Use Cases Need to begin using these Functional Templates for each Use Case. Possibly merge into a single template. Benjamin Cheungis working with the Architecture Subcommittee (Use Case realization effort) to introduce. See: ONAP Use Case / Requirements Teams Process Way of Working (WoW) May 13th call with Use Case teams. April 16th 5G call will also discuss. (11:00 eastern US) https://zoom.us/j/478423919 |
NEXT WEEK: Benjamin Cheungupdate on Geo Location update