We start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.




Agenda Item

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30 mins

Cross-project discussion

Oslo Release update

  • ONAP Streamlining Documentation Enhancements for Oslo:
    • Defining ONAP Core components and extensions (e.g., lightweight ONAP, optional components)
    • Core component functions
    • Installation guide, including ArgoCD-based deployment options
    • configuration guide
    • User guide 
    • Use cases by operators and vendors
    • reference architecture (component, interface, security, function...) for lightweight ONAP
  • PTLs will be contacted for their help as needed.
CCSDKByung-Woo Jun 
docThomas Kulik 

Deprecated project

Update Jiras

Oslo Package

LF IT Support

  • Update ONAP main pages for New Delhi release (wiki.onap.org, onap.org) - Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) 
  • Submitted ticket for update 
  • Lfx zoom meetings need backup owners for vacation and other occasions 
  • Pending ticket opened by Marek:


    • Kevin Sandi - a workaround solution will be tried;
    • Marek / Matthew - automatic building solution is needed; escalate this? Waiting for feedback from Marek 
    • Kevin/Matt/Kevin - create a ticket and try a solution (maybe Github action helps? PoC??)
    • Some action plans and updates next week
    • Kevin and Marek are working on it, testing and deployment. will report its status - 90% is working; WIP; scheduled for next week update
    • wait for argo-cd deployment update. will revisit...

    Kevin: Jenkins' sandbox; security patching is working fine; downtime would be 30 mins; will notify the downtime by email to ONAP community - WIP

    Thomas Kulik - issues with Portal-NG and other documentation - 

    Kevin: Jenkins' sandbox; security patching is working fine; downtime would be 30 mins; will notify the downtime by email to ONAP community - WIP

    Thomas Kulik - issues with Portal-NG and other documentation - 

    IT-26899 Project is not created in RTD - Kevin; found a root cause; almost done, pushed the fixes;

    Marek: Verifying of fixing; will follow up when Thomas Kulik  and Fiete Ostkamp back - next week report; related to RTD pipeline?  need further testing

    Ticket opened by Tony: IT-26848 - Tony is checking on it, still has issues; Kevin will work on it; Thomas will check; should not block any? will work; report its staus next week

  • Jessica Gonzalez , cleaning up ONAP confluence pages, attachments; so far 260GB, target: 220GB;TSC needs to set up a policy around the attachment length (6 months and can be 4 months)

    • next Monday, Jessica and team will migrate confluence and Jira 
Open Source Security / SECCOMByung-Woo Jun 

CISA report on memory safe code: 

  • 2 actions:

    1. OpenSSF- add/update their guidelines; Tony
    2. Locally for ONAP: impact assessment and reviewing if there are opportunities to remove those languages.
  • Added memory safe code guidance to the architecture security review template, ONAP Component Architecture Review Template. PTL, please take a look at it.

Testing Environment

Testing Improvement

CSIT Review

ToolChain Improvement


Other Improvement suggestion

Plan to migrate ONAP components to use RFC8040.

  • SDNC and SO decided to move it to Oslo.


According to Dan,

Our original plan had been to migrate to the OpenDaylight Potassium release in New Delhi and to retire the Biermann API at that time.  We were not able to complete those upgrades in time for the New Delhi release, so we ended up remaining on OpenDaylight Argon release with our Biermann adaptor.

For Oslo,  our plan is to:

  1. Complete the upgrade to Potassium originally planned for New Delhi. This work is almost complete – I expect to finish within the next week or so.
  2. Complete the work needed to migrate our internal interfaces from the Bierman format to RFC 8040.
  3. If time permits,  upgrade to OpenDaylight Calcium release. 

We have been advised that the OpenDaylight Calcium release is a major upgrade, with a significant amount of breaking changes.  So, I would say there is significant risk that the Calcium upgrade might not complete in time for Oslo.  My plan would be that we would release an initial Oslo version of CCSDK and SDNC that is based on OpenDaylight Potassium release to OOM as soon as it is a available so that we avoid a last minute impact.  Once that is complete, I’ll create our oslo branches and use our master branch to begin work on the Calcium port. If that port is completed in time to make Oslo, great – we’ll cherry pick it to the oslo branch and include it.  If not, then our Oslo code base remains stable on Potassium and the Calcium port will complete in the Paris release.

One more word on releases: my plan going forward is that the New Delhi release will be considered a “long term support” (LTS) release for CCSDK and SDNC.  That is to say, we’ll provide security updates and other critical fixes as needed for that release so that any clients that find themselves unable to migrate to RFC 8040 for whatever reason will still have support, with the understanding that they will remain on the OpenDaylight Argon release.

Subcommittee Updates for PTLs

  1. Recommended packages upgrades are available on the restricted Wiki. Jiras to be created per project. 

    Need to check NG Portal status CLM jobs. Any update?

 - no solution for now:

Ticket opened by Fiete: https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/2/IT-26527 (ticket is closed)

  • ongoing; Jessica and Fiete are discussing this.

We are missing NG Portal UI CLM job.

List of the ONAP components to be disabled prepared by Andreas: 

OOM New Delhi Release

On April 18th, TSC approved the list.

Ticket opened by Fiete for UI CLM scan: https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/2/IT-26882 - not a maven based project - an issue? To be further eleborated with Jess.

Fiete Ostkamp , .

Matt Watkins , will follow up. Please let us know the outcome. 

Sharing Best Practices

Technical debt

Fiete Ostkamp 

Chef dependency in SDC related to Ruby conflict (2.0 is pretty old)  


Paweł Pawlak 

ONAP Licensing scans: https://lfscanning.org/reports/onap/onap-2024-06-0592bdfc-78a5-4fa8-a9fd-a7de581457ec.html

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