ONAP Component Architecture Review Template

ONAP Component Architecture Review Template

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1. High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships (template)

2. Component API definitions

Template Component provides the following interfaces:

Offered Interface Name

Offered Interface Description


API Specs (Swagger)


External Interface Definition. 


x.y.z (according to strategy)




Internal interfaces if we want to raise them

 Display and update:


Note:   xxxI interface is a internal interface.  xxxxE interface is a external interface

Template Component consumes the following Interfaces:

Consumed Interface Name

Consumed Interface Description

3. Component Description:

A more detailed figure and description of the component.

<< link to project-specific description elsewhere >>

4. Component Deployment Architecture

Should reference the deployment section in the component description template

5. New Release Capabilities

<< list the new capabilities that were introduced in this release, or a hot-link to the key features. New sub-chapter per release, as per a release notes document >> 

6. Security Conformance 

  • ONAP Component API and data security conformance 

    • Describe the component Service Mesh conformance / plan for secure communications, routing, authentication and authorization configurations

      • Does the component have AAF dependencies? If so, describe the current dependencies and a migration plan to remove the dependancies

      • How does the component support authentication and authorization of its clients (Humans, other applications)?

    • Describe the component data protection

      • Data storage location/mechanism 

      • Data protection plan, such as data at rest, data-level access control, data in transit, others

      • User sensitive data handling (e.g., password)

  • Describe the component / container hardening

  • Describe the component logging conformance

    • Does the component conform to the Log field standards best practice, REQ-1072: Standardized logging fields To Do? If not, please describe the reasons and support plans.

    • Does the component exclude user sensitive data (e.g., password, private key, other credentials) from logging? If not, please describe the reasons and support plans.

    • Does the component support the Logging destination STDOUT / STDERR conformance? If not, please describe the reasons and support plans.

  • Documentation for the component security

    • Describe the component security architecture and conformance in the document.

7. Document Changes

8. References

to any supporting docs that are not referenced in other templates