#AGREED The TSC agree that the requirements for M4 have been met, with the exception of the AAI, DCAE, and OOF projects.
#AGREED The TSC approve the proposed schedule ( v.3) for the Montreal release.
#AGREED The TSC approve forwarding the proposed release names Odesa, Paris, Quebec, and Rabat to the MAC for review and approval.
#AGREED TSC approve slipping the schedule for London M4, RC, and Sign Off by one week to May 4, May 25, and June 15, respectively.
#AGREED The TSC approve moving the scheduled dates for M3, M4, RC, and Sign Off by one week.
#AGREED The TSC approve the changes to the release management tasks that were documented in the release management task review with the PTLs.
#AGREED TSC pre approves to merge proposed changes for SBOM, conditioned there are no objections from PTLs in Monday’s meeting.
TSC 2023-03-02
#AGREED The TSC approves creating a special Kohn Release PTL Badge
TSC 2023-02-09
#AGREED ONAP TSC meeting canceled for 2/16.
#AGREED The TSC approves London M2 with the exceptions of the release management tasks for the AAI and OOF projects, as well as DMAAP-1862.
TSC 2023-02-02
#AGREED TSC agrees in principle to form a special squad or task force to manage changes to projects that lack a PTL. Participants and details to be determined.
#AGREED The ONAP TSC approve London M1, with the exception of release management tasks for AAI and OOF
TSC 2023-01-05
#AGREED The TSC approve of the proposed London release schedule, as shown here (London schedule, confluence v.9 last updated Jan 5)