- CPS-1173Getting issue details... STATUS
Specification Performance Requirements
<optional, assumptions are like decision made up front ie. everyone agrees on the answer but they are important to mention>
# | Assumption | Notes |
1 |
Issues & Decisions
# | Issue | NotesĀ | Decision |
1 | Deleting cm handle one after another. | Can be processed into batchs | |
2 | Getting Yang module cm handle by id | It should be converted to fetch by list of ch handle ids | |
3 | Updating one CmHandleState in single transaction | Update batch in single transaction | |
4 | Delete Schema Set | Batch operation can be performed |
<Note. use green for closed issues, yellow for important ones if needed>
Any Other Header
< we do not want to dictate the remainder of an analysis it will depend on the type of user story at hand>