Ingress Service URL configuration

Ingress Service URL configuration

Current status (Kohn)

Global settings:

global settings
global: ... # Global ingress configuration ingress: # generally enable ingress for ONAP components enabled: false # enable all component's Ingress interfaces enable_all: false # default Ingress base URL # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.baseurlOverride virtualhost: baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org" # All http requests via ingress will be redirected on Ingress controller # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled) config: ssl: "redirect" # you can set an own Secret containing a certificate # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled) # tls: # secret: 'my-ingress-cert' # optional: Namespace of the Istio IngressGateway # only valid for Istio Gateway (ServiceMesh enabled) namespace: istio-ingress # Global Service Mesh configuration # POC Mode, don't use it in production serviceMesh: enabled: false tls: true # be aware that linkerd is not well tested engine: "istio" # valid value: istio or linkerd

Component settings (e.g. in SDNC/DGBUILDER):

component settings
dgbuilder: ingress: enabled: false service: - baseaddr: "sdnc-dgbuilder-ui" name: "sdnc-dgbuilder" port: 3000 - baseaddr: "sdnc-web-service-api" name: "sdnc-web-service" port: 8443 plain_port: 8080 config: ssl: "redirect"

Enhancements in London

Additional parameters to modify the BaseAddess value of the composed Ingress URL


  • If ONAP is installed on multiple clusters (e.g. clusterA, clusterB)

  • and a wildcard-certificate for the baseurl domain exists (e.g. *.simpledemo.onap.org)

  • you cannot create cluster specific Ingress URLs for the ONAP services (e.g. sdnc-dgbuilder-ui.simpledemo.onap.org)


  • Add a cluster specific post/prefix to the baseAddr of the service to create uniqe URLs instead changing each service baseAddr

  • Results using "postfix" e.g.

Ingress URL is currently composed:   

  • Default: <component.ingress.service.baseaddr>.<global.ingress.virtualhost.baseurl>

  • Override:   <component.ingress.service.baseaddr>.<component.ingress.baseurlOverride>

Ingress URLs result of the upper setup:

  • sdnc-web-service-api.simpledemo.onap.org, sdnc-dgbuilder-ui.simpledemo.onap.org

Planned enhancement:

  • Additional options in "global" section

  • Enhancement for the Ingress template  

Enhancement for URL
# default Ingress base URL and preAddr- and postAddr settings # Ingress URLs result: # <preAddr><component.ingress.service.baseaddr><postAddr>.<baseurl>   virtualhost: # Default Ingress base URL # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.baseurlOverride    baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org" # prefix for baseaddr # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.preAddrOverride preAddr: "" # postfix for baseaddr # can be overwritten in component by setting ingress.preAddrOverride postAddr: ""

Allow customized Ingress Gateway Ports


  • Ingress Gateways usually expose HTTP ports (80, 443), can be extended in non-NGINX gateways (e.g. Istio, Traefik)

  • The existing Ingress template only supports the 80/443 ports

  • If non-HTTP ports need to be exposed (e.g. Kafka Bootstrap, SDNC CallHome/TLS), this is not possible

  • see: External Kafka Access via Ingress


  • In the component's ingress configuration the exposed port needs to be configurable

  • the Ingress template needs to generate the respective Gateway/VC resources

Planned enhancement for components ingress definition:

Add new optional configuration parameters:

  • exposedPort (custiomized Ingress-Gateway ports)

  • exposedProtocol (Protocol used on the exposed port)

Enhancement for URL
ingress: enabled: false service: - baseaddr: "kafka-bootstrap-api" name: "onap-strimzi-kafka-external-bootstrap" port: 9094 exposedPort: 9010 exposedProtocol: TLS  - baseaddr: "kafka-api" name: "onap-strimzi-kafka-0" port: 9094 exposedPort: 9000 exposedProtocol: TLS  - baseaddr: "kafka-api" name: "onap-strimzi-kafka-1" port: 9094 exposedPort: 9001 exposedProtocol: TLS  - baseaddr: "kafka-api" name: "onap-strimzi-kafka-2" port: 9094 exposedPort: 9002 exposedProtocol: TLS

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