CPS Configuration

CPS Configuration


Follow the steps below to setup the CPS environment:

  • Clone the repo from : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/cps

  • Build the project – When building the project run from the root cps folder : mvn clean install

  • From docker-compose folder, run the following after building the images locally : VERSION=latest DB_USERNAME=cps DB_PASSWORD=cps docker-compose up -d

  • Create the dataspace, schemaset, anchor and datanode using CPS APIs. This file has the sample APIs for CPS and the CPS-TBDMT template creation for the CoverageArea TA list mapping : CPS APIs.txt

Kindly check this page for more details on CPS APIs : R9 TBDMT Enhancements


Follow the steps below to setup the CPS-TBDMT environment:

  • Clone the repo from : cps/cps-tbdmt · Gerrit Code Review (onap.org)

  • Build the project – mvn clean install

  • Change the docker image name to avoid docker login issues : docker tag nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/cps-tbdmt:latest cps-tbdmt:latest

  • From the docker-compose folder, edit the application.yml file 

cpsCoreConfiguration url –  change to VM's IP and the created dataspace's name

schemaToAnchor mapping – provide the created schemaset and anchor name

  • From the docker-compose folder, run the following to bring up the containers : docker-compose up -d

Configure CPS in OOF deployment <WIP>

In oof/components/oof-has/values.yaml, provide the cps ip as the value for serviceName as below,

In oof/components/oof-has/resources/config/conductor.conf, change the server_url and get_ta_list_url  as mentioned below,

After the configuration make OOF component and deploy it.

Policy changes for CoverageArea TA List Mapping: <WIP>

Add the below attribute in the NSI policies

"coverage_area_ta_list": {"derive_from":{"method":"get_tracking_area","args": {"coverage_area": {"get_param": "coverage_area_ta_list"}}}}


The patch set - Return coverage-area list as JSON string (I9776b924) · Gerrit Code Review (onap.org) has to be included in the OOF-HAS src code to return coverage area TA list mapping.  (If the patch set is still not merged, please follow the below steps) 

  1. Clone the HAS repo from Gerrit - git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/optf/has"

  2. Pull the above-mentioned patch set from Gerrit and download it to the local repo

  3. Build the docker image - mvn clean install

  4. Create a tar file of the image , 

              docker save IMAGE_ID > has-image.tar

      5. Copy the tar file to all the worker vms associated with the control vm, and follow the below steps,

             docker load < has-image.tar
             docker image tag IMAGE_ID name:version

      6. Replace the image version in the oom (oof) charts with the loaded version in the worker vms and redeploy the OOF component

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