ADD the following info: Service Name: aai-business Url: /aai/v13/business Protocol: REST Enable SSL to True Version: v13 Load balancer: round-robin Visualranfe: InSystem
Add host: AAI service ip and port (8443)
Save all
3. SO Database Update
Insert ORCHESTRATION_URI into service_recipe, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID replaced by CST.ModelId.
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('createInstance','1','Custom recipe to create communication service-instance if no custom BPMN flow is found','/mso/async/services/CreateCommunicationService', NULL,180, NULL,'c9252b26-f9cd-4e6c-988c-4d6ff39c6dda');
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('deleteInstance','1','Custom recipe to delete communication service if no custom BPMN flow is found','/mso/async/services/DeleteCommunicationService', NULL,180, NULL,'c9252b26-f9cd-4e6c-988c-4d6ff39c6dda');
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('activateInstance','1.0','activate communication service','/mso/async/services/ActivateCommunicationService', NULL,180, NULL,'c9252b26-f9cd-4e6c-988c-4d6ff39c6dda');
Insert ORCHESTRATION_URI into service_recipe, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID is ServiceProfile.ModelId
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('createInstance','1','Custom recipe to create slice\r\nservice-instance if no custom BPMN flow is found','/mso/async/services/CreateSliceService', NULL,180, NULL,'bfca8b32-3404-4e5c-a441-dc42b6823e88');
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('deleteInstance','1','Custom recipe to create slice\r\nservice-instance if no custom BPMN flow is found','/mso/async/services/DeleteSliceService', NULL,180, NULL,'bfca8b32-3404-4e5c-a441-dc42b6823e88');
INSERT INTO `catalogdb`.`service_recipe`(`ACTION`, `VERSION_STR`, `DESCRIPTION`, `ORCHESTRATION_URI`, `SERVICE_PARAM_XSD`, `RECIPE_TIMEOUT`, `SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM`, `SERVICE_MODEL_UUID`) VALUES ('activateInstance','1.0','Gr api recipe to activate service-instance','/mso/async/services/ActivateSliceService', NULL,180, NULL,'bfca8b32-3404-4e5c-a441-dc42b6823e88');
Please find the policies for Option1 below, generate the policies outside the OOF pod and push the policies from inside OOF pod, since it has python3 and necessary libraries already installed
Refer ACTN Simulator User Guide to setup ACTN-simulator or follow the below steps to launch and initialize domain controllers,
Step 1. Fetch the simulator docker image
First, pull down the simulator image from public docker hub.
docker pull dzhanghuawei/pncsimulator:latest
Step 2. Start the simulator container(s)
After compiling the pnc-simulator image locally or fetching the docker image from remote registry, execute the command below to start the container:
docker run –p18181:8181–d –name pncsimu-18181–t dzhanghuawei/pncsimulator:latest
docker run –p 18182:8181–d –name pncsimu-18181–t dzhanghuawei/pncsimulator:latest
For demonstration purposes, two domain controllers are required, in our case we use 18181 as SERVER_PORT for domain1 and 18182 for domain2.
After starting the container, you should be able to verify the running container by:
docker container ps –a | grep pncsimu
Step 3. Initialize the simulator(s)
The simulator offers a set of administrative APIs which are designed for initialization and management purposes.
To initialize the simulator for each domain:
curl –X POST –H"content-type:application/json"http://${SERVER_IP:SERVER_PORT}/pncsimu/v1/reload-data -d @INITIAL_DATA_FILE
For demonstration purposes, two domain controllers are required, both need to be properly launched and initialized. The initialization payloads are attached below.
Once a third-party controller is being registered in ONAP, a "Topology Discovery" operation need be triggered and the domain controller will be called in order to retrieve the topology. SDNC then, will store the topology in AAI. Please execute the below curl command for the ESR registration of initialized two domain controllers,
NOTE: Replace <simulator-ip> and <simulator-port> with the IP Address and port of initialized simulators.