Raw Material (Presentations)
ONE-Summit_Cloud_Native_Service_Orchestration_ONAP v0.4.pptx
2021-06-08 - ONAP TSC Taskforce: Cloud Native (Demos)
2021-06-09 - ONAP TSC Taskforce: Cloud Native (Roadmap)
2021-06-10 - ONAP TSC Task Force: Cloud Native (Ask Us Anything)
1. Problem statement and scope
What exactly is the task force focusing on?
1.1 CNF Orchestration
1.1.1 Evolving from VNFs to CNFs
1.1.2 ONAP as a CNFO
- Hybrid services CNF/VNF/PNF, leveraging open-source
and standards- Support Greenfield and Brownfield environment
- E.g., CNF on bare-metal, CNF on VM, VNF on VM, PNF
- Day 0/1/2 configuration
- Not just infrastructure orchestration
- Configuration and Update
- Standard alignment (ETSI, 3GPP) and beyond (ASD)
- Evolve existing investment, no need to start from scratch
- Common Infrastructure for model/package onboarding, design and distribution
- Support both ETSI-Aligned and Cloud Native Orchestration
- 5G slicing use case – 3GPP compliant
1.2 ONAP as a Cloud Native application
1.3 Alignment with SDOs
1.4 Alignment and integration with other Open Source Project
2. Work accomplished and available functionality
2.1 Istanbul
- Deployment maturation and Day2
- Improvement of Helm Distribution (SDC/SO)
- Helm Deployment Maturity
- Helm package validation
- Helm 3.5
- Helm pre-/post-installation/deletionhooks
- Simple CNF Healthcheck
- Basic AAI CNF Changes
2.2 Honolulu
3. Future roadmap
- Support for 5G Super Blueprint & Magma CNF orchestrations requirements
- New joint onboarding package to design the NS with CNFs
- Merging the paths of the Native Helm & ETSI flows
- Enhance the CNF resource orchestration functionalities further
- Multi-cluster deployment with inter-cluster connectivity setup
- CNF Upgrade
- Coordinated CNF components deployment
- Runtime model evolution based upon the standard
- AAI persistence of the CNF resources
- Control loop enhancements for CNFs
- Cluster management and CNF observability (integration with XGVela)
- Prometheus based monitoring in DCAE
4. Getting started
4.1 Documentation
End user section
- ReadTheDocs (including "API documentation", usage, etc.)
- Wiki
Developer section
- documentation
- Jira items in progress for the current release
4.2 Demos
5. FAQ
Link to raw material - 2021-06-DD - ONAP TSC Task Force: Cloud Native (Ask Us Anything)
More raw material from the June event - https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=56066622