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# | Interface(s) / Requirement | Capabilities | Notes |
1 | CPS-NCMP-I-01 Registration Performance | - NCMP should support discovery of up to 10k cmhandles
- NCMP should discovery cmhandles to READY state (with modules) at a rate of 4 per second assumptions :
- 100 cm handles per request
- 10 modules / cmhandle
- 95% module overlap across cmhandles
| - This KPI is for an E2E use-case depending on the performance of components outside NCP e.g. the 'modelAdapter'. Some assumption about the performance of this external dependency should be defined too.
- This KPI should include a cloud environment definition such as available resources like CPU and memory and same for the Postgress DB configuration.
2 | CPS-NCMP-I-01 Deletion Performance
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| |
3 | CPS-NCMP-I-01 Cm Handle Inventory Query Performance
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# | Parameter | Expectation | Notes |
1 | Response Time 1 | <40 second <60 second (stretch) |
2 | Query complexity | 1 or more attributes on 1 Fragment (jsonb) object |
3 | Response payload size | TBD KB |
4 | Maximum registered #cm handles | 20,000 | This will effect the internal query time |
5 | Test Environment | Click here to expand... - CPS and NCMP
requests: cpu: 2000m memory: 2Gi limits: memory: 3Gi cpu: 3000m
2. Postgres requests:
cpu: 4000m
memory: 1Gi
memory: 3Gi
cpu: 6000m
6 | Concurrent request | 1 |
7 | Request Frequency | Low no more than 1 per minute |
When a new CM handle is encountered by the DMI plugin, NCMP is notified via REST. Once NCMP picks up the new CM handle it needs to determine what modules exist for it in the database and figure out which modules are missing. DMI plugin is contacted for all modules for this new node and they are matched to what CPS has. Missing modules are then retrieved from DMI and entered into the database.
High Level Proposal of Work to be done
- Call dmi–plugin rest endpoint to retrieve all modules on new node (depends
CPS-483 and CPS-531) - Call CPS-Core rest endpoint to get all existing modules in cps-core (depends CPS-506)
- Calculate difference (delta)
- Call dmi–plugin rest endpoint to retrieve missing modules
CPS-483 - Add missing modules to cps-core to anchor (cm handle) (depends CPS-508)
Implementation Proposal
Within the DMI plugin there is a method where cm handles are sent to a registration method in NCMP.
From: DmiServiceImpl.registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(final String jsonData) To: NetworkCmProxyController.updateDmiPluginRegistration()
public void registerCmHandles(final List<String> cmHandles) {
final CmHandleOperation cmHandleOperation = new CmHandleOperation();
final List<CreatedCmHandle> createdCmHandleList = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String cmHandle: cmHandles) {
final CreatedCmHandle createdCmHandle = new CreatedCmHandle();
final String cmHandlesJson;
try {
cmHandlesJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(cmHandleOperation);
} catch (final JsonProcessingException e) {
log.error("Parsing error occurred while converting cm-handles to JSON {}", cmHandles);
throw new DmiException("Internal Server Error.",
"Parsing error occurred while converting given cm-handles object list to JSON ");
final ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = ncmpRestClient.registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(cmHandlesJson);
if (!(responseEntity.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CREATED)) {
throw new CmHandleRegistrationException(responseEntity.getBody());
* Register a cmHandle with NCMP using a HTTP call.
* @param jsonData json data
* @return the response entity
public ResponseEntity<String> registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(final String jsonData) {
final var ncmpRegistrationUrl = buildNcmpRegistrationUrl();
final var httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.setBasicAuth(cpsProperties.getAuthUsername(), cpsProperties.getAuthPassword());
httpHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
final var httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>(jsonData, httpHeaders);
return restTemplate.postForEntity(ncmpRegistrationUrl, httpEntity, String.class);
private String buildNcmpRegistrationUrl() {
return UriComponentsBuilder
* Update DMI Plugin Registration (used for first registration also).
* @param restDmiPluginRegistration the registration data
public ResponseEntity<Void> updateDmiPluginRegistration(
final @Valid RestDmiPluginRegistration restDmiPluginRegistration) {
final DmiPluginRegistration dmiPluginRegistration =
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED);
public void updateDmiPluginRegistration(final DmiPluginRegistration dmiPluginRegistration) {
try {
final List<PersistenceCmHandle> persistenceCmHandles =
new ArrayList<>();
for (final CmHandle cmHandle: dmiPluginRegistration.getCreatedCmHandles()) {
final PersistenceCmHandle persistenceCmHandle = new PersistenceCmHandle();
final PersistenceCmHandlesList persistenceCmHandlesList = new PersistenceCmHandlesList();
final String cmHandleJsonData = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(persistenceCmHandlesList);
} catch (final JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new DataValidationException(
"Parsing error occurred while processing DMI Plugin Registration" + dmiPluginRegistration, e
.getMessage(), e);
Return cmHandleJsonData from updateDmiPluginRegistration() in NetworkCmProxyDataService
Append deriving modules after line 127 in method updateDmiPluginRegistration() in NetworkCmProxyDataController
get cm handles from string
call dmi to get modules for this cmhandle
compare with cps and get delta
call dmi for delta modules
return Map<String, String> newYangResourcesModuleNameToContentMap
Alternative flow
DMI calls ncmp with new cm handle
ncmp sends back created
dmi then calls get new modules
get cm handles from string
call dmi to get modules for this cmhandle
compare with cps and get delta
call dmi for delta modules
return Map<String, String> new