Till Release 8 (Honolulu) the SON use case stored RAN configuration information in ConfigDB with ConfigDB APIs used by SDNR, SON-Handler MS, and OOF. This was based on a BBF Yang Model. During Release 8, we prepared to transition to CPS DB for an ORAN/3GPP-aligned solution which supports both SON and Network Slicing Use cases. For Release 9 onwards, the RAN network modelling approach uses two yang models/trees:
Primary model: ran-network
- Fully aligned with ORAN/3GPP TS 28.541 NRM yang model
- Modular sub-set of ORAN yang model
- Same primary model for all RAN-related ONAP use cases
Secondary model: cps-ran-schema-model
- Data which is not present in ORAN model, e.g., region-to-cell (CU) mapping, latitude/longitude of DU
- Derived information for API/query efficiency, e.g., list of neighbor cells
- Intent to have alignment/efficiency in secondary model for all RAN-related ONAP use cases
Need to maintain consistency of data in primary & secondary model
- Based on CPS architecture
- Current plan: Use TBDMT to read/write to both models at same time
Yang Files:
(lead: Sandeep Shah )
Primary Yang Model: ran-network
(Add link or file)
Secondary Yang Model - cps-ran-schema-model
The legacy ConfigDB SON APIs used till Release 8 will change to Rel 9 CPS SON APIs. This is closely aligned with CSP APIs developed for Network Slicing.
Links for API information: