User documentation
The application offers basic inventory management of devices supporting ONF-TR-512.
In inventory basically serial-numbers and manufacturer details are displayed according to the containment of the equipment.
Description for ONAP Frankfurt.
Extension planned for ONAP Guilin: ODLUX Inventory enhancement with treeview
The graphical user interface has a table view.
The table view implements the common ux-framework-table supporting sorting, filtering and pagination on the server.
The view shows the below fields.
- Node Name
- Manufacturer
- Parent
- Name
- Serial
- Version
- Date
- Description
- Part Type Id
- Model Identifier
- Type
- Containment Level
The inventory is loaded or refreshed during startup phase into the database.
A change of the inventory for a mountpoint would be added to the existing modules during next startup.
The Inventory data is not removed if network element is unmounted or deleted.
The implementation is rudimental, because ONAP DCAE should be used for inventory if fully available.
Data Provider
The inventory data is stored in an ElasticSearch database. A REST-API to access the values is provided by the Data-Provider.
To get the inventory list: read-inventory-list
The inventory is loaded or refreshed during startup phase into the database.
The Inventory data is not removed if network element is unmounted or deleted.