- NST selection Request
- Input: Service profiler parameters.
"areaTrafficCapDL" : 10000,
"coverageAreaTAList" : "India"
- Input: Service profiler parameters.
- Fetch Optimization policies
- vnfPolicy - it will identify the inventoryProvider and inventoryType - Forms demand policy.
- Attribute policy - for storing the serviceprofileparameters and its value as attribute - value pair- Constraint policy.
- QueryPolicy - Its used to query the serviceprofileparameters from the input so that it can be added as a value to the attribute.
- NST selection request - HAS
- Demand: NST
- Constraint: Attribute policy for matching whether nst templates have these attributes.
- Fetch NST metadata from AAI
- Output: List of all NSTs metadata
- Sample Request:
curl --user AAI:AAI -X GET -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subscr" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k ""
Sample Response:
{ "model":[ { "model-invariant-id":"50cd1233-dbec-4a46-a24f-46345a23635e", "model-type":"service", "model-role":"NST", "resource-version":"1607656942756", "model-vers":{ "model-ver":[ { "model-version-id":"bac7e4cb-c27e-48a8-999e-87531f192a1d", "model-name":"EmbbNST", "model-version":"1.0", "model-description":"TestNst", "resource-version":"1607656942756", "model-elements":{ "model-element":[ { "model-element-uuid":"23ecdf3f-f3fa-4715-8a86-65dc33c60cd2", "new-data-del-flag":"T", "cardinality":"unbounded", "resource-version":"1607656942756", "relationship-list":{ "relationship":[ { "related-to":"model-ver", "relationship-label":"org.onap.relationships.inventory.IsA", "related-link":"/aai/v21/service-design-and-creation/models/model/82194af1-3c2c-485a-8f44-420e22a9eaa4/model-vers/model-ver/46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9", "relationship-data":[ { "relationship-key":"model.model-invariant-id", "relationship-value":"82194af1-3c2c-485a-8f44-420e22a9eaa4" }, { "relationship-key":"model-ver.model-version-id", "relationship-value":"46b92144-923a-4d20-b85a-3cbd847668a9" } ], "related-to-property":[ { "property-key":"model-ver.model-name", "property-value":"service-instance" } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } } ] }
- Fetch NST candidate from SDC
- Input: NST metadata
- Sample Request:
curl -X GET -H "authorization: Basic YWFpOktwOGJKNFNYc3pNMFdYbGhhazNlSGxjc2UyZ0F3ODR2YW9HR21KdlV5MlU=" -H "x-ecomp-instanceid:AAI" -H 'Accept:application/octet-stream' -k
- Output: List of NST candidates matching the metadata
- Sample Response:
- Run optimization - taking attribute constraint, the candidates are filtered out matching the attributes.
- Solution list is formed
- Solution List. Solution object have nst candidates matching the input service profile params.
NST Template example (Candidate)
{ } | "name": "EmbbNst", "id": "EmbbNst_1", "latency": 20, "uplink": 5, "downlink": 8, "reliability": 95, "areaTrafficCapDL": 10, "areaTrafficCapUL": 100, "maxNumberofUEs": 10000, "areas": " area1|area2", "expDataRateDL": 10, "expDataRateUL": 1000, "resourceSharingLevel": "shared", "coverageAreaTAList": "Beijing;Beijing;HaidanDistrict;WanshouluStreet", "modelinvariantuuid": "7d7df980-cb81-45f8-bad9-4e5ad2876393", "modeluuid": "fe6c82b9-4e53-4322-a671-e2d8637bfbb7", "uniqueness": true, "inventory_type":"nst", "candidate_id": "EmbbNst_ID", "cost": 2 |
Consumed APIs
GET NST metadata from AAI
GET NST cabdidates from SDC by the metadata got
Attribute policy
{ "OSDF_FRANKFURT.Attribute_vNS_1": { "type": "onap.policies.optimization.resource.AttributePolicy", "version": "1.0.0", "type_version": "1.0.0", "metadata": { "policy-id": "OSDF_FRANKFURT.Attribute_NST", "policy-version": 1 }, "properties": { "scope": [ "OSDF_FRANKFURT" ], "resources": [ "NST" ], "identity": "attribute-NST", "attributeProperties": { "serviceProfileParameters": { "get_param": "serviceProfileParameters" } } } } }
2. Query Policy
{ "OSDF_FRANKFURT.queryPolicy_NST": { "type": "onap.policies.optimization.service.QueryPolicy", "version": "1.0.0", "type_version": "1.0.0", "metadata": { "policy-id": "OSDF_FRANKFURT.queryPolicy_NST", "policy-version": 1 }, "properties": { "scope": [ "OSDF_FRANKFURT" ], "services": [ "NST" ], "resources": [ "NST" ], "identity": "NST_Query_Policy", "queryProperties": [ { "attribute": "serviceProfileParameters", "attribute_location": "serviceProfileParameters" } ] } } }
3. vnf policy
{ "OSDF_FRANKFURT.vnfPolicy_NST": { "type": "onap.policies.optimization.resource.VnfPolicy", "version": "1.0.0", "type_version": "1.0.0", "metadata": { "policy-id": "OSDF_FRANKFURT.vnfPolicy_NST", "policy-version": 1 }, "properties": { "scope": [ "OSDF_FRANKFURT", "NST" ], "resources": [ "NST" ], "services": [ "NST" ], "identity": "vnf_NST", "applicableResources": "any", "vnfProperties": [ { "inventoryProvider": "aai_sdc", "inventoryType": "NST" } ] } } }