Exception required for multicloud-fcaps (upstream image dependency requires root)
REQ-373-ONAP must complete update of the Python language (from 2.7 -> 3.8)
Exception for multicloud-pike, multicloud-starlingx, multicloud-windriver, multicloud-framework, multiclou-fcaps (upstream dependency) (approved by SECCOM - tbd)
Exception for multicloud-azure since no committed resource to contribute to this module
REQ-xxx -
Exception for multicloud-azure since no committed resource to contribute to this module
Milestones affected
Projects affected
Background description
Multicloud project consists of a set of plugin modules which contributed from various VIM/Cloud vendors or contributors. While these contributors stops maintaining these plugin modules, it is hard to get other committed resources from community to take the responsibility. That's why we need to request waiver/exception for multicloud-azure.
Multicloud depends on upstream project (onap-pylog) to fulfill the log requirement. Unfortunately this upstream project does not work well with python3.8, but work well with python 3.7, so we can upgrade to python 3.7, but not python 3.8
Multicloud-fcaps relies on rabbitmq which must runs in root privilege.
Schedule impact
Recovery plan
There is no recovery plan yet.
Milestone schedule change
The risk is that the aforementioned MultiCloud components will not be able to meet Guilin NFR