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- Infrastructure Jenkins => Check
- Migration strategy BingBäng vs. Smooth => Specify
- SDNC should completely move to J11
- CCSDK ... J8 and J11?
- ODL Base image with J11
- Java 8 compiled ODL runs successfully on base container with Java11
- SodiumSR3 parents can be created to run to compile with Java8 and Java11
- enforcer plugin shouldn't verify usage of Java 11 in a first version
- Today: neon java 8: 2.0.0
- Step1: alpine-j11-image
- Step2: odl-sodium-image based on ODL Sodium SR3 and alpine-j11-image
- ccsdk-parent-* (binding, odl-parent-light, singlefeatureparent) to Sodium-SR3
- Question: New name or version 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- enforcer disabled Java8 and Java11 are accepted.
- ccsdk-aaf-shiro has hardcoded dependencies to Java8 base libs (*)
SDN-R Code
Relevant ODL Changes