- Gil Bullard
- Lingli Deng
- Ramki Krishnan
- Fernando Oliveira
- Alex Vul (Deactivated)
- Yan Yang
- maopeng zhang
- Srinivasa Addepalli
- Raghu Ranganathan
- Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya
- Parviz Yegani
- Xu Yang
- andreik
- Ciaran Murphy
- Manoj Nair
- Raquel (Raquel Morera) Morera Sempere
- Chaker Al-Hakim
- Ranny Haiby
- Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
- Linda Horn
- lishitao
- Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed)
- ravi.rao
- Mourad B Takla
- Sushil Dravekar
- John D'Elia
- John Quilty
- James Alfieri
- Cecilia Corbi
- Former user (Deleted)
- Byung-Woo Jun
- David Perez Caparros
- Shiby Parayil
Kickoff Materials
Meeting Information
Weekly meeting: Mondays at 1200 UTC, 5AM PT, 8AM ET, 2PM CET, 5:30 PM India, 8PM China.
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,722438866# US (San Jose) +16465588656,,722438866# US (New York)
Agenda for meeting on April 27, 2020
- Review ofVF2F meeting
- Other Topics?
Agenda for meeting on April 20, 2020
- Discuss presentation for VF2F meeting
- Other Topics?
Meeting recording: OrchestrationScenarios-20200420 1210-1.mp4
Agenda for meeting on April 13, 2020
- Other Topics?
Meeting recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on April 6, 2020
- Adapter naming discussion
- Common components among the SOL adapters
- Continue on SOL001 AID discussion
- Other Topics?
Meeting recording:
Agenda for meeting on March 30, 2020
- Continue on SOL001 AID DM for VNF & NS discussion
- Update on SOL002, SOL003, SOL005 Adapters
March 30 recording: Had to zip to get the file uploaded.
Agenda for meeting on March 23, 2020
- Continue on SOL001 AID DM for VNF & NS discussion
- Other Topics?
March 23 recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on March 16, 2020
- SDC Guilin enhancements (Requirements, Epics and User stories) for ETSI package management - Byung (20 minutes)
- Meeting time discussion/poll for whether to move this meeting to 1200 UTC/8am ET for the duration of the daylight/summer time.
- Start SOL001 AID DM for NS and VNF Discussion
- Other topics
March 16 recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on March 9, 2020
- IFA WG presentation on the IFA040 technical overview and others (30 minutes) - IFA WG FEAT17 CNF Presentation
- (Postponed) SDC Guilin enhancements (Requirements, Epics and User stories) for ETSI package management - Byung (20 minutes)
- other topics
March 9 recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on March 2, 2020
- Presentation for NFV Release 2 Testing; API Conformance Testing Specification (ETSI Robot Test cases for testing SOL002/SOL003/SOL005, and all resources) by Pierre Lynch
- the latest draft:
- Robot test cases:
- Presentation slide deck:
- The Plugtest information:
- SDC Requirement Discussions for Guilin
- SDC-ETSI Catalog Manager direct interface - update
Agenda for meeting on February 24, 2020
- Recap ETSI NFV SOL presentation and follow-up actions
- Need alternate host for Mar 2
- ETSI NFV TST010 robot tests for SOL002/SOL003/005 testsuite:,
- Review updated Guilin requirements Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list
- Other??
Feb 24 recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on February 17, 2020
- ETSI Catalog Manager proposal Byung-Woo Jun
- Review presentation for ETSI NFV SOL WG meeting on Feb 18, 2020
- SOL005 Adapter Status Sambasiva R Kokkirala
- SOL003 Adapter Status
- Review proposed requirements that Fernando Oliveiraentered for Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list
- Any other topics?
Feb 17 recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on February 3, 2020
- ETSI Specification Update - Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed)
- SOL005 Adapter Status - Verizon Team
- SOL002 Adapter Status - Miroslaw Medrek
- SOL003 Adapter Status - Byung-Woo Jun (May not be able to attend)
- Discuss ETSI Alignment presentation to ETSI at NFVSOL #128 2/18-2/20
Feb 3 recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on December 23
- Discuss presentation for Prague DDF
- SOL003 Adapter in SO discussion
Dec 23 recording: zoom_0.mp4
Agenda for meeting on December 16
- Discuss ETSI Alignment presentation for Prague DDF
- Status of SOL002 contribution
- SOL003 Adapter Plugin for APP-C
Agenda for Meeting on December 9
- Discussion on ETSI Alignment tasks for Guilin Release - Byung-Woo Jun
- SOL002 presentation - Miroslaw Medrek
Dec 09 recording:zoom_0.mp4
No Meeting on December 2 due to no agenda items
- Please let me know if you have an agenda item for Dec 9
Agenda for Meeting on August 26th 8am ET
- Discussion on the ETSI Alignment Architecture, ETSI Alignment Support, and scope for Frankfurt
- ETSI Package Management (Onboarding and Distribution), ETSI Package Management
- Other Topics
No meeting on September 2 due to US and India holidays
Agenda for Meeting on September 9th 8 am ET
- SOL005 Adapter Architecture and Operations for Frankfurt
- SOL004/SOL001 NS Onboarding and Distribution
- SOL005 Adapter Architecture, Design and Code Review
- SOL005 NBI Use cases and Use of API-Fabric for SOL005 NBI
- SOL002 Adapter High Level Discussion
- SOL004 Package Security - finalize the scope
- SOL003 Adapter Operations
Agenda for Meeting on September 16th 8 am ET
- ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager & SO ETSI Catalog Management, ETSI Catalog Management
- CMCC will present the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager
- Team will discuss So ETSI Catalog Management by leveraging the ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager
- ETSI Package Management
- SOL007 NS support
- SOL004 VNF/PNF support
- HPA support in the ETSI-Alignment & Granting with HPA, SOL003 Adapter Granting Section
- the presentation plan is under discussion with Intel and Ericsson
- VNF Level Homing requests are under discussion
- SOL002 Adapter Architecture and Operations for Frankfurt
- the presentation plan is under discussion with Samsung
Additional Discussion Topics for next meetings
- SOL003/SOL005/SOL002 Adapter Operations, SOL003 Adapter, SOL005 Adapter, SOL002 Adapter
- SOL001 VNFD Internal Representation (to SDC AID DM), SOL001 Mapping to SDC AID DM
- SOL001 NSD Internal Representation (to SDC Service), SOL001 Mapping to SDC AID DM
- Initial input, Internal NSD representation
- SOL002 Adapter Deployment Location - APPC?
- Communication Security - AAF-based ONAP ETSI Adapters and external SVNFM/NFVO
- Vendor VNF Requirements (is ONAP-compliance required? on VES Event support and others)
- Application Configuration options via ETSI standards (e.g, through VNFM) or OSS/BSS/EM to VNF
- CNF support and Granting impact for Kubernetes-based Resource Management
- Other Topics...
Agenda for Meeting on August 19 9am ET - Done
- Discussion on scope of this task force
- Alternate Host for next 4 weeks as Fred will be away.
- Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson) will cover Fred for next 4 weeks
- Other Topics?
Continue review of the requirements for Frankfurt Release
Continue discussion on Application Configuration for ETSI MANO VNFs.
CDS directly to SOL003 instead of APP-C?
Future topics:
- Discussion on whether ETSI NFV VNF SOL003 should be a Controller or Adapter. ONAP_GNF_ControllersSOL003.pptx
- Should VNF deploy/scale (LCM actions) be GNFC actions?
- How would this apply to containers?
- Please add any topics that you think should be included.
- Operator has already deployed ETSI SOL003 compliant VNF Manager(s)
- Operator has already deployed ETSI SOL005 compliant NFVO(s)
- Operator has existing Service Assurance tools that VNF(s) interact with
- Operator is currently using proprietary mechanisms to configure NFs
- Operator has used above mechanisms to deploy SOL001/SOL004 compliant VNFs
- Operator has multiple VIMs; with different HW capabilities and configurations
- Operator desires to integrate ONAP into the existing environment
- Examine orchestration scenarios in order to determine if new architectural requirements are necessary
- Develop recommendations for composition of the ONAP Service DM (How does the ETSI NFV SOL001 Network Service Descriptor supported?)
- Develop recommendations for interfaces between the orchestration elements (OSS, SO, VF-C, VNFM, NFVO)
- Develop recommendations for how ONAP controllers work with external orchestration elements (NFVO, VNFM, EMS)
- Develop recommendations for how external Service Assurance interacts with DCAE and Policy
Develop recommendations on breaking ONAP into more modular consumable pieces (Margaret)
To Do's
- Recommendation on whether an ONAP should support an E2E Service that is composed of xNFs that are orchestrated by separate orchestrators (SO, SO + external VNFM, VF-C, external NFVO) for next Arch meeting (Nov 13)
- Mapping of SOL005 APIs to ONAP NBI
- Develop scenarios with stories about how ONAP could be used in near term brownfield legacy environment Fernando Oliveira
- Develop scenarios with stories about how a legacy environment could migrate off of a brownfield legacy environment towards a ONAP native model Fernando Oliveira
- Describe how ONAP DCAE could be integrated with legacy Service Assurance platform Fernando Oliveira
- Describe how legacy inventory system would interact with ONAP A&AI
- Develop scenarios for how Application Configuration could be supported with enhanced SOL001 VNF-D using an external SOL003 compliant VNF Manager Fernando Oliveira
General | Dublin | Frankfurt | Guilin |
- External VNFM scenarios (ONAP acting as an OSS/NFVO):
- ONAP needs to ingest and save (without modification) a SOL004 CSAR package for later consumption by a SOL003 compliant VNF Manager (VNFSDK, SDC)
- Original CSAR contents need to be preserved since some VNF Managers validate the manifest signatures of each file in the CSAR
- ONAP needs to ingest and interpret a SOL001 compliant VNF Descriptor in order to design an ONAP Service (VNFSDK, SDC)
- ONAP needs to understand resource requirements in the VNF-D for each deployment and scaling level (SO, A&AI, OOF)
- ONAP needs a way to ingest or create a VIM tenant/project space (SO, SOL003 Adapter, Multi-Cloud/VIM)
- ONAP needs to inventory the VIM tenant/project resources and capacity (A&AI, Multi-Cloud/VIM)
- ONAP needs to confirm that the VIM resources (vCPU, RAM, Storage, Network, EPA (SR-IOV, GPU, Pinnned CPU, Locked RAM, ..), ...) necessary for the deployment or scale operation are available (SO, A&AI, OOF)
- Such resources should be reserved if the VIM has that capability (OOF, Multi-Cloud)
- ONAP needs to have a SOL003 compliant SBI (SOL003 Adapter, APP-C, VF-C, GNF-C, SO))
- ONAP needs a mechanism for specifying that a VNF instance should be runtime managed by a particular VNFM type (design time) and instance (run time) (SDC, OOF, SO)
- This likely also applies to other external controllers
- ONAP needs to have a way to inventory a VNF that was deployed using an external VNFM and which instance of the VNFM (A&AI, SO, SOL003 Adapter, VF-C)
- ONAP needs to ingest and save (without modification) a SOL004 CSAR package for later consumption by a SOL003 compliant VNF Manager (VNFSDK, SDC)
- External NFVO scenarios (ONAP acting as an OSS or hierarchical Service Orchestrator):
- ONAP needs to ingest and save (without modification) a SOL004 CSAR package for later consumption by a SOL005 compliant NFVO (VNFSDK, SDC)
- ONAP needs to ingest and interpret a SOL001 compliant VNF Descriptor in order to design an ONAP Service (VNFSDK, SDC)
- ONAP needs to have an SBI that can be used to manage external Service(s) (SO, SOL005 Adapter)
- ETSI NFV MANO SOL005 Os-Ma-nfvo interface
- ONAP needs to be able to convert an ONAP Service into a SOL001 compliant Network Service Descriptor (SOL005 Adapter)
- VF-C "internal SOL005" interface
- ONAP Service NBI
- Open Source Mano (OSM) NBI
- ETSI NFV MANO SOL005 Os-Ma-nfvo interface
- ONAP needs a mechanism for specifying that a service should be runtime managed by an external NFVO (SDC, SO, A&AI)
- ONAP needs to have a way to inventory a Service that was deployed and managed by an external Service Orchestrator (A&AI, SO, SOL005 Adapter)
- ONAP needs a way to ingest and save (without modification) a SOL007 Network Service Package) (VNFSDK, SDC)
- ONAP needs to ingest and interpret a SOL001 compliant Network Service Descriptor (SDC, SO)
- Possibly translating it into an ONAP Service
- ONAP needs to be able to design a hierarchical Service that references zero or more VNFs along with one or more "sub-services" (Alloted Resources??) (SDC, SO)
- VNF Application Configuration over SOL003 ModifyVnfInfo interface using an External vendor specific VNF Manager
- ONAP needs to ingest and interpret a SOL001 compliant VNF Descriptor that includes ConfigurableProperties (VNFSDK, SDC)
- ONAP needs to present these ConfigurableProperties in the design of an ONAP Service (SDC)
- Upon Service deployment, ONAP needs to pass the application ConfigurableProperties along with the related values to the external VNFM that was used to deploy the VNF using the SOL003 ModifyVnfInfo interface (SO, APP-C, SOL003 Adapter)
- As part of a Change Management operation, ONAP needs to pass the updated ConfigurableProperties and new values to the external VNFM that was used to deploy the VNF using the SOL003 ModifyVnfInfo interface (SO, APP-C, SOL003 Adapter)
- As part of an ONAP recovery operation, ONAP needs to query the VNF to get the current state and values of the ConfigurableProperties using the external VNFM that was used to deploy the VNF using the SOL003 Query interface (SO, APP-C, SOL003 Adapter)
Recording of call 11/12/2018: double_click_to_convert_01.zoom
Recording of call Dec 17, 2018: [Onap-arc] Orchestration Scenarios and implications on modeling weekly-20181217 1404-1.mp4
Updated with Application configuration and Hierarchical Service (VNF + NS): VZDeploymentOptionLegacy.pptx
Recording of Dec 20, 2018 call: [Onap-arc] Orchestration Scenarios Discussion on ETSI VNFD ConfigurableProperties-20181220 1806-1.mp4
Meeting Notes and Recordings
Date | Notes | Recording |
August 12, 2019 |
| None |
August 19, 2019 |
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August 26, 2019 |
| |
September 9, 2019 |
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September 16, 2019 |