Frankfurt CLAMP Container upgrade strategy

Frankfurt CLAMP Container upgrade strategy


As part of the Frankfurt release, a documented procedure for upgrade is provided below.

CLAMP is part of the control loop flow and thus relies on other entities for both provisioning and runtime. In other words, it makes no sense to upgrade CLAMP on its own, as Frankfurt introduces Data model changes and flow changes compared to Frankfurt.

That being said, it is still possible to support a Green/Blue deployment, which will deploy new Frankfurt components (possibly on a new namespace) and then do a data migration.

Upgrade Strategy In a nutshell

The proposed strategy is :

1) deploy OOM New charts on a new lab or another namespace (depending on your k8s setup capacity)

2) Migrate existing VNFs into the new setup, this implies to at least onboard them through SDC, including DCAE blueprint

3) Distribute new artifacts to CLAMP/POLICY/CDS/DCAE

At this point Loop migration is possible, it is recommended to define a control loop migration strategy based on the CNF/PNF/VNF migration strategy, for instance :

  • Instantiate CNF/PNF/VNFs on the new setup

  • Create and Instantiate Loops on the new setup (the SDC distribution has created loop templates on CLAMP)

  • Migrate traffic from old to new setup (smooth migration or load balance)

  • Stop traffic on old setup

  • Delete old setup loops and CNF/PNF/VNFs

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