CLAMP- Flow Diagrams

CLAMP- Flow Diagrams

Day 1: SDC/CLAMP Create a Control Loop in a Service

UML for CLAMP Service Assurance Configuration
@startuml title This is the flow for designing, configuring and deploying Control Loops actor Service_Designer participant SDC participant CLAMP actor Operator participant DCAE_SCH participant DCAE_Deployment participant DCAE_Inventory participant Policy participant CDS participant DCAE_Policy_Handler autonumber CLAMP -> Policy : Every 5 min. Get available policy models(Ops and Config). note left   This Step is done asynchronously   end note Service_Designer -> SDC : Create/Test/Certify service, \nwith control loop DCAE flow SDC -> CLAMP : CSAR distribution CLAMP -> DCAE_Inventory : Get DCAE Service Id based on Distributed Parameters DCAE_Inventory -> CLAMP : Rcv DCAE Service Id based on Distributed Parameters SDC -> DCAE_SCH : Blueprint distribution DCAE_SCH -> DCAE_Inventory : Save blueprint Operator -> CLAMP : Configuration of control loop note left During this Step, the Operator can opt to upload manually a policy model instead of using an existing one (periodically downloaded)   end note CLAMP -> CDS: Get list of Actions and payloads \nfor Operational Policies(if CDS is the « Actor ») CLAMP -> Policy : Create Configuration and Operational Policies Policy -> DCAE_Policy_Handler : Configuration Policy(mS config.) CLAMP -> DCAE_Deployment : Trigger Deployment note left This Step is involved when the microservices are not  pre-deployed in DCAE(which is the normal case) end note @enduml

TODO: Update UML with correct terminology. Update UML to add SDC Service Distribution

example of policies, blueprints, api calls. etc.

Day N: Control Loop Deployment

Control Loop deployment happens when an instance of a Service is created.

TODO flow diagram

Day N: Runtime Flow of a Control Loop

The following is a control loop message flow, across DCAE, Policy and App-C.  The sections afterward will describe the process for designing, configuring and instantiating this flow.

(1) Output of VES Collector for new PM message
{     "event": {         "commonEventHeader": {             "startEpochMicrosec": 1500584201765465,             "sourceId": "Dummy VM UUID - No Metadata available",             "eventId": "11",             "reportingEntityId": "No UUID available",             "internalHeaderFields": {                 "collectorTimeStamp": "Thu, 07 20 2017 08:56:52 GMT"             },             "eventType": "HTTP request rate",             "priority": "Normal",             "version": 1.2,             "reportingEntityName": "fwll",             "sequence": 11,             "domain": "measurementsForVfScaling",             "lastEpochMicrosec": 1500584212017216,             "eventName": "vnfScalingMeasurement",             "sourceName": "Dummy VM name - No Metadata available"         },         "measurementsForVfScalingFields": {             "cpuUsageArray": [{                 "percentUsage": 0,                 "cpuIdentifier": "cpu1",                 "cpuIdle": 100,                 "cpuUsageSystem": 0,                 "cpuUsageUser": 0             }],             "measurementInterval": 10,             "requestRate": 7832,             "vNicUsageArray": [{                 "transmittedOctetsDelta": 5680,                 "receivedTotalPacketsDelta": 14,                 "vNicIdentifier": "eth0",                 "valuesAreSuspect": "true",                 "transmittedTotalPacketsDelta": 31,                 "receivedOctetsDelta": 1332             }],             "measurementsForVfScalingVersion": 2.1         }     } }

(2) Output of TCA Microservice for Onset Signature
{             "closedLoopControlName": "ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e",             "version": "1.0.2",             "requestID": "a20e2073-30b1-4357-893b-f5ed57b66ef0",             "closedLoopAlarmStart": 1478189220547,             "closedLoopEventClient": "DCAE_INSTANCE_ID.dcae-tca",             "target_type": "VNF",             "target": "generic-vnf.vnf-name",             "AAI": {                         "generic-vnf.vnf-name" : "vCPE_Infrastructure_vGMUX_demo_app"             },             "from": "DCAE",             "policyScope": "DCAE",             "policyName": "DCAE.Config_tca-hi-lo",             "policyVersion": "v0.0.1",             "closedLoopEventStatus": "ONSET" }

(3) Policy to App-C Request

(4) Response from App-C to Policy

(6) Output of TCA Microservice for Abate Signature

Day N: Runtime Monitoring of a Control Loop

flow diagram