There is an alternative where you would not use CDT self service GUI, when repopulating vnf and template artifact to APPC DB. There is a RESTful API call between CDT GUI and APPC's Proxy service. Here are the steps that could be used by curl POST request to populate vnf/template artifact to APPC DB.
- In ONAP OOM environment, access to CDT GUI: https://XYZ:30289/index.html#/home
- Turn on debugger mode: For Firefox, click the right top hamburger menu, click "Web Developer", then click "Debugger"
then debugger console shows on the browser bottom:
- click "network" on the debugger console in Firefox browser
- Follow CDT guide for VNF self service
- When clicking "SAVE ALL TO APPC" button, VNF Reference artifact would save to APPC DB. Look at the debugger console, a new POST request shows in debugger console. click "Params" on the right panel in the debugger console. The payload for the VNF Reference artifact is shown.
- copy & pastes the "request payload" and save to a json file:uploadArtifact-test.json (for example)
- write a shell script for curl command:
curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./uploadArtifact-test.json https://XYZ:30211/cdtService/getDesigns
when you run the curl command in the command terminal. the output shows:
check APPC DB:
ubuntu@k8s-master:~/getdesign$ kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-appc-appc-db-0 bash bash-4.2$ mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 117266 Server version: 10.1.24-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> use sdnctl; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed MariaDB [sdnctl]> select * from ASDC_ARTIFACTS ; | 5158 | TLSUUID816017286421 | TLDID53249 | TLServiceName | Template Loader Test | TLRUID53249 | TLRIName | null | TLResourceVersion | TLResourceType | TLAUUID53249 | APPC-CONFIG | 0.1 | SdcTestDescription | 8 | 2020-01-31 10:56:08 | reference_AllAction_taka_vnf_0.0.1V.json | {"reference_data":[{"action":"ConfigScaleOut","action-level":"vnf","scope":{"vnf-type":"taka_vnf","vnfc-type-list":[],"vnfc-type":""},"template":"Y","vm":[],"device-protocol":"ANSIBLE","user-name":"","port-number":"","artifact-list":[{"artifact-name":"template_ConfigScaleOut_taka_vnf_0.0.1V_aaa.json","artifact-type":"config_template"},{"artifact-name":"pd_ConfigScaleOut_taka_vnf_0.0.1V_aaa.yaml","artifact-type":"parameter_definitions"},{"artifact-name":"param_ConfigScaleOut_taka_vnf_0.0.1V_aaa.json","artifact-type":"param_values"}],"template-id-list":["aaa"],"scopeType":"vnf-type"},{"action":"AllAction","action-level":"vnf","scope":{"vnf-type":"taka_vnf","vnfc-type-list":[],"vnfc-type":""},"artifact-list":[{"artifact-name":"reference_AllAction_taka_vnf_0.0.1V.json","artifact-type":"reference_template"}]}]} | | 5161 | TLSUUID816017286421 | TLDID53249 | TLServiceName | Template Loader Test | TLRUID53249 | TLRIName | null | TLResourceVersion | TLResourceType | TLAUUID53249 | null | 0.1 | SdcTestDescription | 8 | 2020-01-31 10:56:08 | capability_AllAction_taka_vnf_0.0.1V.json | {"capabilities":{"vnfc":[],"vm":[],"vf-module":[],"vnf":["ConfigScaleOut","AllAction"]}} ....
- follow the same method above for template artifact.