1/3 TSC Call
- TSC agrees to defer any VNF Certification discussion to the VNFRQTS Project.
1/10 TSC Call
- TSC only approves the CDI projet as POC for the Dublin Release, under the Multicloud project umbrella
- TSC approves the Committer promotion (AAF): Sai Gandham
- TSC approves the Committers promotion (DMaaP): Conor Ward, Alexander Dometriusand sunil unnava - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/716
- TSC approves Dublin Release - M1 Extension request- https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/727
1/17 TSC Call
- TSC approves the proposed M1 Security milestone checklist as presented by Amy Zwarico. oParent checklist is informational for the Dublin release.
- TSC approves DataLake projet as POC only for the Dublin Release under DCAE project umbrella
1/24 TSC Call
- TSC approves Option #2 for Technical Community Coordinator structure (2. Replacing the existing structure by having area coordinators e.g. edge coordinator etc) - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/728
- TSC approves the purchase of additional zoom bridge licenses - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/748
1/31 TSC Call
- The Casablanca Maintenance Release has been signed-off on 1/31.
- TSC approves the Dublin Release Plan (M1) for all the projects. Documentation/Integration are conditionally passed.
- TSC approves v207 of the Dublin Release Requirements GREEN M1 scorecard items and conditional passed on YELLOW items. RED items will be descoped or move to POC depending on feedback collected on 1/31
- Due to the Chinese Holiday season, our next TSC call (2/7) will be transformed into an open and constructive session with the ONAP Community. No TSC Vote during the week of Feb 4th.
- TSC approves Mx Security Checklist add-ons v13- Proposed Updates to Release Templates (Dublin) - Security Questions
https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/772 - TSC approves to defer CLA Enforcement until the El Alto release - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/764
2/21 TSC Call
- TSC did not approve M2/M3 Modeling Checklist add-ons for the Dublin Release. Follow-up discussions with PTLs are required to consider them as part of El-alto release. Suggestion is to prototype these checklists with few projects.
- Mariusz Wagner committer’s promotion has been approved by the TSC.
2/28 TSC Call
- Dublin Functionality Freeze (M2) has been approved by the TSC
- Integration Checklist has been approved by the TSC
- Multi-VIM/Multi-Cloud Project Scope change has been approved by the Architecture subcommittee - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/834
- The Vulnerability Management Procedure (ONAP Vulnerability Management v22) has been approved. The e-mail notification should be sent to Kenny Paul, Jim Baker and TSC Chair -https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/836
3/7 TSC Call
- TSC approves the M3 Modeling Checklist as a non-blocking item -"Has the Project team provided links to Data Models (e.g, JSON, YANG, Swagger, etc.) for all Shared Information (e.g., APIs, API Payload, Shared Design Model)?""
- TSC approves the Modeling proposal - Modeling subcommittee reached consensus on "Non MANO set identifier definition in VNF/PNF onboarded package and registration in ETSI NFV"
- The TSC adopts UTC as the official time zone for scheduling meetings and conducting business for all projects. All ONAP calendar entries are created using UTC start times and not to created using any local time zones. https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/837
3/14 TSC Call
- Dublin API Freeze (M3) has been approved by the TSC
- TSC Policy on ONAP Maintenance Release has been approved by TSC - ONAP Maintenance Policy
3/21 TSC Call
TSC approves moving the M4 milestone to April 11
TSC agrees only individual project releases of certificates and critical security fixes in 3.0.2 with impacted area testing only
TSC agrees that Deng Hui should continue to be our SDO external coordinator until a new structure/election will occur
3/28 TSC Call
- TSC approves that the tsc mailing list ('onap-tsc@lists.onap.org') will be used as point of contact for Non-MANO artifact registration in ETSI
TSC agrees the ONAP Release Manager recommendations about M4 i.e. NO-GO, to be reviewed on 4/18
- Dublin Code Freeze (M4) has been approved by the TSC with gating conditions
- TSC Agree that any requirement (use case, functional requirement, non-functional requirement), currently marked in yellow/(red), not due to testing blockers/issues, will be moved to the POC section a.k.a no more be part of the official release, if no feedback provided to Jim by 4/22 EOD
- TSC agree that RC0 will shift to May 2nd with the condition that a clear plan is built at RC0 to complete the release considering the reduced scope.
- The list of Open Source External Coordinators has been approved by the TSC - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/917
- ONAP El-Alto Schedule/Focus & ONAP Frankfurt Release Milestones have been approved by the TSC -https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/919
- TSC approved the Dublin Architecture deck (v4.0.10)
- TSC does not require themselves to approve their weekly TSC meeting minutes - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/967
- TSC approved new Policy Committers: Ram Krishna Verma and Jim Hahn
- TSC approved new Technical Community Coordinators: Edge Computing: Ramki Krishnan- VMware; Cloud Native: Sylvain Desbureaux- Orange; Infrastructure: Xinhui Li- VMware
- TSC approved the ONAP Pen Test Results Early disclosure process https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/952
- TSC approved the special repository requested by the Security Subcommittee
- TSC approved new CLI Committer: Itohan Ukponmwan
- TSC approved new Technical Community Coordinators: 5G: Vimal Begwani; AI (ML/DL); Lingli Deng; Network Management: Magnus Buhrgard
- TSC approved Sonar Waiver requested by AAF, SDC and Multi-Cloud - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/973
- Alla Goldner being elected as our ONAP Strategic Planning Committee representative - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5079
- Approval of ONAP License Exceptions for the Dublin Release https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-private/message/736
- ONAP Fall DDF Dates: November (from Nov 19th to 22nd) https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/993
- Dublin RC2 milestone is approved TSC 2019-06-06
- TSC approved the migration from Nexus3 to Dockerhub (dependency on Global-jbb completion), independently on the ONAP Release cycle - TSC 2019-06-13 F2F Meeting
- TSC approved new Portal Committer: Lorraine Welsh
- ONAP Joint SubC Meetings Europe (September, Belgium) – Sept 26th & Sept 27th - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5062
TSC agreed that the community will move to a one-repo to one-ldap group without inheritance model
- TSC agreed to cancel the TSC Meeting on July 4th, 2019 - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1034
- TSC approved the sign-off of the ONAP Dublin Release - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1076
- TSC approved the The TSC approves a $50K expenditure against the budget for lab improvements (Testing & ToolChain)
- TSC approved the Supercommitter proposal Super Committers
- LFN Code of Conduct will replace ONAP Code of Conduct (CII Badging)
TSC approved new OOM Committers Sylvain Desbureaux, Bartlomiej Grzybowski & Milan Verespej; new SDC Committers Inna Manzon, Tomasz Golabek, Piotr Darosz and Ojas Dubey; Brinda Santh Muthuramalingam (CCSDK) and Yuanhong Deng (Modeling)
- TSC approved new Committers - Bartlomiej Grzybowski & Milan Verespej, Samsung (OOM) and Ojas Dubey, Amdocs (SDC)
- TSC agreed to turn on JScript code scans to establish a baseline for code coverage
- TSC approves enabling CLA enforcement beginning on July 25, 2019
- TSC agreed to continue with the content of M1 for El Alto Early Drop
- TSC approved new VNFSDK Committer: Bogumil Zebek; new Multi-Cloud Committers: Kiran Kamineni, Ritu Sood, Yue Liexiang
- TSC approved proceeding with the El-Alto release (M1 planning approved with condition i.e. UUI to confirm or not their participation)
- TSC approved to grant a waiver to the Portal team for global-jbb
- TSC approved to cancel the TSC Meeting on August 15th, 2019 - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1128
- TSC approved the proposal to fix vulnerabilities in the ONAP Code Base - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1129
- TSC approved the enablement of typescript in Sonar
- TSC approved El Alto to recommendations focus on final release
- TSC approved that the modeling/genericparser is to be renamed etsicatalog
- TSC approved new Logging Committer: Pierre Rioux; new Modeling Committer: Maopeng Zhang
- TSC voted for the ONAP Release Names (H-N) - https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/68542533/Data_All_190829.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1567091708000&api=v2
- TSC agreed that Davide Cherubini will take over from Susana Sabater (Vodafone TSC reserved seat). Davide was previously acting as Vodafone TSC deputy.
- TSC approved El-Alto Waivers requested by OOF, CCDSK, AAF, MultiCloud, Policy and Portal
- TSC approved the latest ONAP Architecture principles
- TSC recommended to the Security Subcommittee to perform a risk assessment, similarly to what it is currently performed for the License issues on a release basis, so the TSC can make a GO/NO GO decision from a Security perspective
- TSC approved new Documentation Committer: Andreas Geissler (DT)
- TSC agreed that Olivier Phenix will be the proxy for Alexis de Talhouët (BELL TSC reserved seat) until BELL internally settle on who should be the right person given the “Active community member” requirements.
- TSC agreed to stick with the current TSC composition for the next election. https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1171
- TSC has signed-off on the El-Alto Release
- TSC approved the Proposal for PNF software version in PNF upgrade in Frankfurt release
- TSC approved the POC definition - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1242
- TSC agreed to cancel the TSC meeting on Nov 28th - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1240
- TSC agreed to cancel the TSC meeting on Dec 25th - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1239
- TSC agreed to cancel the TSC meeting on Jan 1st, 2020 - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1241
- TSC provided the Frankfurt prioritization - Frankfurt Release Requirements
- TSC approved the Milestone Exception Process - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5592
- TSC approves the warning threshold will be increased to 50% as soon as Releng can address like-for-like output in Sonar Cloud
- All projects listed in green on (v. 58) of Frankfurt Milestone Status are approved for M1 (i.e AAI, AAF, APPC, CLAMP, CCSDK, DCAE, DMaaP; ExtAPI, Integration, Modeling, MUSIC, MSB, MutliCloud, OOM, Policy, SNDC, SDC, SO, VF-C, VID, VNFReqs, VVP, VNFSDK )
- TSC approved the NO GO as documented in (v. 63) of Frankfurt Milestone Status (i.e. NO GO- no impact on use cases/requirements: CLI, HOLMES, LOGGING => Re-use El Alto containers except if any blocking issue are identified during the Frankfurt testing cycle by the Integration Team. Any other finding (security, non blocking issue) should be documented in the Frankfurt Release Note)
- TSC approved the Committer promotion (OOF): Arthur Martella - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5631
- TSC approved the Committer promotion (UUI): xu ran - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5641
- TSC approved the Committers' promotion (CCSDK): nullop , Kapil Singal (Deactivated) - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5635
- The TSC approved implementing the Milestone Exception Process beginning with Frankfurt M2 https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1298
- TSC approved the Committer's' promotion (SDC): Ilana Paktor -https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5686
- TSC approved M1 Frankfurt Release Milestone (Release Planning) - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5685
- TSC approved the recommendations of the Release Manager for approving the usecases and requirements as found in v.404 of Frankfurt Release Requirements
- TSC approved M1 approval as YES for Network slicing considering SO, ExtAPI UUI scope only for E2E Network Slicing. OOF is provisionally approved for E2E Network Slicing and will be reviewed at M2
- TSC approved Plug and Play as meeting the M1
- TSC approved that DCAE will be a prototype as per REQ-239 for the SECCOM Communication Matrix
- TSC approved the Committer's' promotion (DCAE): Joseph O'Leary - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5715
- TSC approved the Committer's' promotion (VID): eylon malin - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5736
- TSC approved the Committer's' promotion (Logging): nullop - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5741
- TSC approved the Frankfurt schedule as found in v.24 of Frankfurt Roadmap page TSC 2019-12-05
- TSC approved to add an addition person to the TCC role for Infrastructure Coordinator as a backupTSC 2019-12-05
- TSC approved Kenny's recommendations regarding mailing list creation restriction - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/5730 TSC 2019-12-05
- TSC approved the new TSC El-Alto Community Awards proposal - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc-vote/message/1320
- TSC certified the results of the Architecture Subcommittee Chair election ended on Dec. 6, 2019
In progress
- Use Case Approach Evolution Proposal (vote in progress extended till 12/17 EOD)
- Remediating known vulnerabilities in third party packages (vote in progress till 12/17 EOD)
- Chaker's proposal (under discussion)