Related Epic: SDNC-887
There are two new services arround SDN-R Mountpoints planned:
- Use DMaaP as ONAP internal communication services
- Create two seperate bundles in ccsdk/feature-sdnr/wt
- Overall architecture: SDNC-888
Mountpoint provider
- Deliver SDN-R Mountpoint status changes over DMaaP
- Stories are: SDNC-889
- Proposed bundle name: sdnr-wt-mountpoint-state-provider
- Register listener to MDSAL for mountpoint changes and provide related information
- Related disussion: model-driven DMaaP Agent
- Uses ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener for NetconfChangeListener
Mountpoint registrar for VES
- Manage SDN-R Mountpoints
- Methods are: Create, Remove
- Stories are: SDNC-890
- Proposed bundle name: sdnr-wt-mountpoint-registrar
- VES message: pnfRegistration
Integration test
- Story: SDNC-891
Development related
- Location for bundles: ccsdk/feature - sdnr/wt
- Development: Repository: onap-sdnr, branch:odlux-provider
- Test environment with container setup: dmaap + sdnr + sdnrdb
- Sending VES Message in
- Command for registration: pnfRegistration
- Use case:
- JSONSchema:
- Version of VES: 7.1 Files Version: 30.0.1
- Simulator VES/Netconf: Availability October
- Topic name in DMaaP for such messages: unauthenticated.VES_PNFREG_OUTPUT
Configuration files
- The mountpoint-registrar bundle uses 1 configuration file (it is located in the $ODL_HOME/etc directory by default) -
- - This file contains a property key by the name - subscriptions and its values are fully qualified Java class names and consumer properties file names separated by : (colon) and ; (semicolon) Ex:
In the example above, the subscriptions property value contains 2 parts separated by a : (colon). The value before the : (colon) contains a fully qualified Java class name which implements the DMaaPVESMsgConsumer class. The value after the : (colon) contains a consumer properties file as understood by DMaaP consumer implementation. There can be any number of "Java class : consumer properties file" values separated by a ; (semicolon) for the subscriptions property. Note: the example value shown above is identical to the value in the file shipped with the bundle and this should not be changed.
- - This file contains a property key by the name - subscriptions and its values are fully qualified Java class names and consumer properties file names separated by : (colon) and ; (semicolon) Ex:
- The consumer properties file contains information about the Kafka topic, consumer ID, group ID, authorization information etc. This bundle ships a consumer properties file with the name and this file is by default in the $ODL_HOME/etc directory.