- the base is a Service which provides a Netconfnode-state-API by using a netconf-change-listener
- on top of this service several devicemanagers which can register a callback function for a connected netconfnode
- the devicemanager can then decide if it wants to keep the netconfsession (based on capabilities) and register a notification listener on this or it wants to ignore it
- Listener for
- NetconfNodeConnectListener (Monitored states: connected/not connected and hello response available)
- NetconfNodeStateListener (Create, delete, change .. gets all related indications)
- DeviceMonitor
- ConnectionLog
- the notification-service provides the messages for the websevice cluster, so that GUI clients can be informed about changes
- Netconfnode-state-API originated message:
- ObjectCreationNotification (mountpoint created)
- ObjectDeletionNotification (mountpoint deleted)
- AttributeValueChangedNotification (mountpoint connection status change)
- devicemanager originated messages:
- ProblemNotification (Microwave model ProblemNotification)
- data-provider has to register on netconfnode-state-API for filling tables