guochuyi Xu Yang Kevin Scaggs Former user (Deleted) Borislav Glozman Andy Mayer Bob Papa Fei Zhang (Ericsson) Zu Qiang
Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services
- serviceProperties -
- This can be associated to design entity, Kevin will do the job of modeling this part, he will email Chuyi, Borislav and other people who interested if there have issues needing discussion.
- Borislav will check implementation of these properties.
- Chuyi has one concern of how to model the relationship between Service descriptor and serviceProperties.
- maxAvailableNumber
- The complex structure should belong to VES model, Kevin will invite Alok Gupta to join next Service IM to discuss how to model this in VES. Chuyi will creat a new wiki page for this topic.
- Slicing model construction
- Chuyi suggeted to start from NSMF, and show two options to model servicePropeties.
- The problem is how do we package the service attributes and the way using them across APIs, MEF has some similar work, Andy will talk to MEF guys to seek potential solution.
- Kevin
- The chanllege for slicing model is