Security OJSI JIRAs:
- - OJSI-25Getting issue details... STATUS - submitted
- - OJSI-29Getting issue details... STATUS - done
- - OJSI-32Getting issue details... STATUS - submitted
- - OJSI-63Getting issue details... STATUS - will use AAF solution to allow the role can access /jolokia
- - OJSI-95Getting issue details... STATUS - will add specify user/passwd for 30289 CDT port
- - OJSI-104Getting issue details... STATUS - done
- - OJSI-112Getting issue details... STATUS - APPC DG builder is using the docker image from CCSDK, The same OJSI ticket for SDNC is - OJSI-100Getting issue details... STATUS , Once CCSDK fixed, then APPC will take the fixed DG builder docker image.
- - OJSI-113Getting issue details... STATUS - submitted
- - OJSI-146Getting issue details... STATUS - done
- - OJSI-176Getting issue details... STATUS - false positive
- - OJSI-177Getting issue details... STATUS - false positive
- - OJSI-185Getting issue details... STATUS - confirmed that 30231 SSH protocol is using between APPC and VNF which has netconf interface. it is out of scope as of now (7/19/2019)
Backlog JIRAs: