Technical Debt
Automation of use cases using CLI (with and without HPA)
Challenges: Automation of use cases using ONAP as a blackbox had been a challenge.
Solution space
vFW, vCPE-TOSCA use case automation is ongoing in R4
Identified many gaps and fixing them in various projects.
Fixing some gaps may be postponed to R5.
- Automation of other use cases in R4 such as vLB
- P1: Pluggable architecture for adding new HPA features in MC
- P1 : Pluggable architecture in policy conversion (from TOSCA to Policy)
ETSI NFV Standard compliance
- Understand the gaps in TOSCA definition of EPA and acceleration features and ensure that same is adopted
- P2 : New TOSCA defined HPA representation
- P2: TOSCA defined HPA requirements as 'Mandatory' and "optional'. It needs to be considered in TOSCA to Policy HPA conversion logic.
Use case
- Working on new use case vIPSEC as part of R4.
- Why: To showcase an use case that leverages hardware accelerators based on PCIe.
- Solution space:
- HEAT templates
- Configuration of IPSEC VNF for site-to-site tunnels
- To show case performance difference between IPSEC without Crypto accelerator and with Crypto accelerator
- Identify gaps in deploying IPSEC based connectivity among multiple locations of an Enterprise.
- This work may overflow to R5.
- Fix the gaps identified in deploying IPSEC VNF in multiple locations as a single operation.
- Ensure that IPSEC VNFs are also deployed using K8S in the cloud-regions in R5
New items in R6
Extending HPA for K8S
Few details
- Base line: NFD (Node feature discovery) from K8S CNCF project.
- Discovery of hardware features, creation of profiles and populating in A&AI of compute flavors.
- Identify any gaps in policy and OOF to do match making VNFs/Application to right compute flavors.
New Hardware features
- FPGA Support
Integration :
- Make the use cases with HPA part of Integration regression suite.