The quick path
Basic installation
- Tested with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with openjava 1.8, mvn 3.3.9, git 2.7.4 (newer version should work also)
- Further tools:
- chromium, curl
- docker 18.09.2
- xmllint (sudo apt install libxml2-utils)
- Hava a user with admin rights.
- Add user to "docker" group:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- Maven configuration for ONAP Nexus (onap should be within settings file)
mkdir "$HOME/.m2" wget -P ~/.m2
- Download and clone repository with onap-oof-pci project to ~/ccsdk
cd $HOME git clone
Build and run single node SDN-R
Login to nexus repository (for first time) .. see here: Docker DevOps
- Build
cd $HOME/ccsdk/distribution/odlwt-alpine-standalone-master mvn clean install -P docker
- Run container with name "sdnr" in detached mode
docker run --detach --name sdnr --env SDNRWT="true" oof-pci/ccsdk-odlwt-alpine-image:latest
- Attach to UX Web GUI by using browser with user/password = admin/admin
- docker ps should show a single running container and shows its CONTAINERID
- docker inspect CONTAINERID gives IP adress to be used. In the example
Login to docker container command line with name "sdnr"
docker exec -t -i "sdnr" /bin/bash -c 'TERM=xterm exec /bin/bash'
- Opendaylight home is under "/opt/opendaylight"
- Leave CLI with exit.