Example and guidline of creating the OSGi Feature for SDN-R with name helloworld.
The SDN-R template structure has the elements
name | content |
feature | OSGi xml feature and dependency |
installer | ZIP file containg mavenrepository content of helloworld feature for delivery to distribution ODL Karaf container. |
model | OSGi bundles export interface source files as java or yang source |
provider | OSGi bundles implementation source files as java or yang source |
Provide feature code
In the gerrit ccsdk/feature repository in the path sdnr/wt the sources for all feature bundles are located.
In the following directory tree there are two sdnr services northbound and wt:
The sdnr/wt the bundles apigateway, helpserver, devicemodel, devicemanager, websocketmanager2, odlux are providing the functionality.
The sdnr/wt/featureaggregator
- is packaging all the above sdnr wt feature bundles (apigateway, .. ,odlux) into one ZIP installer to integrate them into a distribution image
- providing a single karaf feature that can be used to install the complete service "sdnr-wt-feature-aggregator", but also provides the sub-features and its repositories
Provide distribution
Provide feature code
In the gerrit ccsdk/feature repository in the path sdnr/wt the sources for all bundles located.
In the following directory tree there are two sdnr services northbound and wt:
The sdnr/wt bundles apigateway, helpserver, devicemodel, devicemanager, websocketmanager2, odlux are providing the functionality.
The sdnr/wt/featureaggregator
- is packaging all the above sdnr wt feature bundles (apigateway, .. ,odlux) into one ZIP installer to integrate them into a distribution image
- providing a single karaf feature that can be used to install the complete service "sdnr-wt-feature-aggregator", but also provides the sub-features and its repositories
Hello World
In the wiki page Creating an Instance of SDN-R (Casablanca) we saw how the docker container is constructed and how features are installed into OpenDaylight. We now discuss how to create and add a new feature to SDNR. As an example, we will create a Hello World feature in the ccsdk/features repository using the subdirectory sdnr/northbound. This is the initial file structure.
Helloworld is simpler than sliapi (a zip file is available) because code used in installations prior to Casablanca has been removed and the features directory has been simplified and renamed to feature. As we saw in Creating an Instance of SDN-R (Casablanca), feature/pom.xml creates a features.xml file and installer/pom.xml zips up the maven repository. We can then modify ccsdk/distribution/odlsli/src/maindocker/Dockerfile to include helloworld in the boot features, as shown here.
The final steps are to add helloworld to the dependencies in ccsdk/distributikon/odlsli/pom.xml and then rebuild the docker image.
As before, to rebuild, execute 'mvn --activate-profiles docker clean package' in ccsdk/distribution/odlsli.