George Clapp explained to Shankar Satyanarayanan (Deactivated) the current situation at Winlab and that there will be right after this call a call with Mike Sherman from Rudgers, how to improve the situation of "missing" NICs (ordered but still missing) - as a fallback solution: first tests will be done at WinRiver.
Info: Mike added a new NIC to the controller node1-1 and connected data1 and data2 network to this controller. The redundant controller is currently not used. This gives full visibility to all networks so that Hanif can install OpenStack.
the conversion of TR069 to yang will be contributed to o-ran.
Ulas Kozat informed the team about the software-management use case status - SDN-R is only indirectly affected, as all the code changes were made in CCSDK. SDN-R as a user of CCSDK has the functionality of CCSDK by nature.