For DUBLIN - DCAE service components will use common certifcates generated from AAF/test instance and made available during deployment of DCAE TLS init container.
The updated certificates should be loaded under
DCAE has generalized process of certificate distribution as documented here -
Generation of AAF based certificate
Note: Check validity of cert is at least 1 year from date of generation
Request Access to AAF test instance:
- Create a task ticket with components name “Multi-geo LAB” on ONAP OPENLABS JIRA requesting access to POD-ONAP-01 and OpenVPN credentials.
- Assign the ticket to Stephen Gooch (
Add "" to your hosts file
Once the VPN is set up, you can access the AAF gui at, use the following credentials to login:
- username: aaf_admin
- password: demo123456!
Once there, click My Namespaces > org.onap.dcae > Cred Details > Expand > View All > Details:
- Add your components SAN into the SANs filed (Do not remove any existing values)
- Set "Renewal Days before Expiration" to 364
- Click Update
Now you are finished with the AAF gui.
Translation of the generated certificate into TLS container artifacts
Once you have updated the certificate on the AAF gui, you can create the required artifacts.
Create a folder on your local machine called AAF and enter this folder.
Pull the AAF Agent image:
docker pull
Download the agent script
Rename it to
Run the script and enter the following values as requested:
bash bash CADI Version (2.1.11-SNAPSHOT): <version of local AAF image pulled from docker> Docker Repo ( <nexus repo url> HOSTNAME (blank for Default): <default> CONTAINER_NS (onap): <default> AAF's FQDN: <URL of AAF mentioned above> AAF FQDN IP ( <default> Deployer's FQI: App's Root FQDN: dcae APP's AAF Configuration Volume (dcae_config): <default> DRIVER (local): <default> LATITUDE of Node: 53.4239 <any acceptable lattitude value> LONGITUDE of Node: 7.9407 <any acceptable longitude value>
Run the following command to view the certificate passwords:
agent showpass Password: demo123456! cadi_truststore_password= cadi_keystore_password_jks= cadi_key_password= cadi_keystore_password= cadi_keystore_password_p12= Challenge=
Save these passwords, we will need them later.
Next you will need to fetch the generated artifacts from the aaf_agent container, you can do this with the following command (Run "docker ps" to get the container id)
docker cp <container-id>:/opt/app/osaaf/local/ ~/AAF/certs/
You should now have the following files on your local machine (Note: There will be some other files but we do not need them):
- org.onap.dcae.jks
- org.onap.dcae.key
- org.onap.dcae.p12
Rename these files as follows:
- org.onap.dcae.jks > cert.jks
- org.onap.dcae.key > key.pem
- org.onap.dcae.p12 > cert.p12
- > trust.jks
Now we need to create the password files using the passwords we seen earlier, create the following files:
- jks.pass (put the password labelled "cadi_keystore_password_jks" in here)
- p12.pass (put the password labelled "cadi_keystore_password_p12" in here)
- trust.pass (put the password labelled "cadi_truststore_password" in here)
Next, we need to create the .pem files, we can do this with the followings commands:
keytool -exportcert -rfc -file cacert.pem -keystore trust.jks -alias ca_local_0 Enter keystore password: <enter cadi_truststore_password here> openssl pkcs12 -in org.onap.dcae.cert.p12 -out cert.pem Enter import password: <enter cadi_keystore_password_p12 here> Enter PEM pass phrase: <enter cadi_keystore_password_p12 here> Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: <enter cadi_keystore_password_p12 here>
Edit cert.pem and remove the text (bag attributes) in between the certs, so you are just left with two certs.
Finally, we will encode cert.jks, cert.p12 and trust.jks in base64:
base64 cert.jks > cert.jks.b64 base64 cert.p12 > cert.p12.b64 base64 trust.jks > trust.jks.b64
You should now have all of the required artifacts:
- cert.jks.b64
- cert.p12.b64
- trust.jks.b64
- cert.pem
- cacert.pem
- key.pem
- jks.pass
- p12.pass
- trust.pass
These artifacts must be uploaded to the TLS Container repo
Blueprint updates
Once the updated artifacts have been placed in the TLS Container repo, you will need to update your components blueprint by adding a new node_template, the cert_directory parameter is the location on your container in which you expect to find the certificates
tls_info: cert_directory: '/opt/app/component-name/etc/cert/' use_tls: true
Current SAN Listing
config-binding-service, config-binding-service.onap, config-binding-service.onap.svc.cluster.local, dcae-cloudify-manager, dcae-cloudify-manager.onap, dcae-cloudify-manager.onap.svc.cluster.local, dcae-tca-analytics, dcae-tca-analytics.onap, dcae-tca-analytics.onap.svc.cluster.local, dcae-ves-collector, dcae-ves-collector.onap, dcae-ves-collector.onap.svc.cluster.local, deployment-handler, deployment-handler.onap, deployment-handler.onap.svc.cluster.local, holmes-engine-mgmt, holmes-engine-mgmt.onap, holmes-engine-mgmt.onap.svc.cluster.local, holmes-rule-mgmt, holmes-rules-mgmt.onap, holmes-rules-mgmt.onap.svc.cluster.local, inventory, inventory.onap, inventory.onap.svc.cluster.local, policy-handler, policy-handler.onap, policy-handler.onap.svc.cluster.local,dcae-hv-ves-collector, dcae-hv-ves-collector.onap, dcae-hv-ves-collector.onap.svc.cluster.local, dcae-prh, dcae-prh.onap, dcae-prh.onap.svc.cluster.local, dcae-datafile-collector, dcae-datafile-collector.onap, dcae-datafile-collector.onap.svc.cluster.local