Status of Winlab OWL setup ONAP Casablanca has been installed. All modules are working. Glitches were identified and repaired. Test installation into SDN-C worked. Teams have been accessing and install modules. Thanks to George, Martin, Hanif, Tracy, Ivan/Winlab, and all the team!! Helen Chen from ONAP Integration Testing and other visited on Tuesday Nov 13. Plan is to continue to work towards making this an ONAP Integration Test Lab site.
Status of POC CC-SDK modules for SDN-R have been installed and working. Netconf servers: 5 instances of Honeycomb Netconf server running on VM. 32 GB machine can run 70 instances. Can do get-config, edit-config etc. RANSIM running on VM: Integrated and running with netconf server. Step 3 (generate NbrList netconf notification) and Step 11 (receive PCI change) working on netconf server side. The server capacity limits us to 70 netconf servers (DUs). Assuming 15 RUs per DU, we can simulate 70x15 = 1050 cells. Vikas will generate a new config file with 1050 cells in a contiguous region.
Config DB and SDN-R.
Infra-limitations at winlab => max. 1000 cells. Need Vikas’ help to provide another new dump file
SDN-R status
SON use case for Dublin (we may have to schedule a separate call for this, to get to next level of details)