To Join:
- Introductions
- Modeling Update Kevin Scaggs Former user (Deleted)
- References across sub-models is having issues (may be Papyrus issue). For now, remove circular references in models.
- R2 model is in Papyrus, R3 updates are in progress
- Runtime contribution on VNF and VNFC being modeled
- About 90% of VES model is incorporated.
- Doing updates in working branch (does not indicate any level of approval)
- But needs commits into repo
- May need additional committers for model repo (ONAP Modeling Project)
- Master branch commits need to follow review process before commits.
- Whole sub-model needs to move to Master branch (Gerrit "Cherrypick") when "approved"
- Need process to use stereotypes to represent maturity of pieces of sub-model.
- Discussion on ETSI VNFD on External Connection Points Arun Gupta
- VNF Ext CPD maps to either VDU CPD or Virtual Link Desc
- In cases where Ext CPD Maps to Virtual Link Desc, how is this Ext CPD realized? Is it a CP on an internal Router
- First check SOL001 to understand DM representation. Perhaps follow-up with ETSI SOL and Editor of IFA015 to see get better understanding.
- Resource definition in HEAT and TOSCA Alex Vul (Deactivated)
- vCPE VNFs being translated from HEAT to TOSCA. There is infrastructure flavor id for VNF in HEAT.
- How is this infrastructure flavor transformed into TOSCA VNFD (encoding of infrastructure is not present)?
- Flavor ID should be mapped to TOSCA VNFD requirements.
- Last time
- Introductions
- VES Descriptor inclusion into VNF Package alok411
- Kevin is updating model in Papyrus
- VES On-boarding requirements and sample
- VES support for infrastructure and PNFs (need inventory and topology in AAI and blueprints in SDC)
- The VES requirements may be found here: ONAP SA VES Specification 7.0.pptx
- Last Time
- ONAP VNF Descriptor Data Modeling Update Andy Mayer
- Papyrus Update Kevin Scaggs
- Model is established and we can make updates to working branch
- Are model owners also model committers for model fragments based on Modeling requirements?
- What is model review and approval process in Gerrit?
- Documentation of Papyrus Model Governance Process?
- Tiger team to recommend updates to SOL001 for on-boarding based on vCPE Alex Vul (Deactivated)
- with a target of Dublin release
- TOSCAiszation of Use Cases (E2E)
- Needs to be shared back to ETSI (December meeting for TOSCA)
- IFA alignment (e.g., split of VDU and VNFC) (provide input into ETSI by IFA meetiings: November)
- VES Descriptor inclusion into VNF Package Andy Mayer
- Info for VES Descriptors Kevin Scaggs; Former user (Deleted)alok411
- Include VES Descriptors (TOSCA) into the VNF On-boarding package andreik
- Info flow from SDC to DCAE Michael Lando
- Additional Items
Last Time
- Papyrus Update Kevin Scaggs
- Model repo is available in Gerrit in model spec repo, may need to be committed.
- ACTION: Need Model Spec committers for Gerrit Model Spec Repo. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Sub-committee (Hui Deng)
- Testing pulling model back to local environment from Repo
- ACTION: Need process for updates back to working tree with quick committs, vs approving final release. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Sub-committee (Hui Deng)
- ACTION: Use of GenDoc format for Readthedocs version of the model. Need this on the agenda for the Modeling Sub-committee (Hui Deng)
- Review ONAP VNF Descriptor Data Modeling Collaborative Proposal for Casablanca Andy Mayer
Review vCPE R2 data model gaps Lianhao Lu (Deactivated)
- ACTION: Form Tiger team to recommend updates to SOL001 for on-boarding based on vCPE (2 week window)
- Possible team members:
- Alex Vul (Deactivated) to set up call.
- Possible team members:
- ACTION: Form Tiger team to recommend updates to SOL001 for on-boarding based on vCPE (2 week window)
VNF Package Security Recomendation