The PNF PnP sub-flow allows simple mangement operations on PNFs, as long as service orchestration is concerned.
The following tasks are executed with the PNF PnP sub-workflow:
- AAI entry creation for a new PNF instance (identified based on correlationID)
- Hibernation of a workflow instance in case an AAI entry is incomplete (missing PNF`s OAM IP addresses)
- Re-Hydration upon reception of a pnfRegistration event from a PNF
- In Beijing release, the VES event is used - domain "other"
The Beijing PNF PnP algorithm reference: Beijing: SO PNF PnP algorithm
Casablanca release
Within the Casablanca release, the SO PNF PnP sub-flow is modified.
The modification targets waiting for the pnfReady event in any case (irrespective of the PNF`s AAI entry contents).